

I should have but I didn’t. Why? because my life and its activities have overwhelmed me to such an extent that this year I forgot about the significance of Independence. 14 th August 1947, is the day when Pakistan received Independence and every year we commemorate this day by celebrating our freedom. We celebrate and give our heartfelt gratitude to Allah and to everyone who gave their lives, their families, their wealth so that today you and I can live in safety and peace. So that you and I, can live according to our religious believes fearlessly. So that you and I, can get educated and serve our country. Whatever I am today, is because of this country. Like million others my life, my education, my prosperity are only because I was born in this free country. Yet how easily I took for granted my blessings. I am not blaming anybody but only myself for my selfish attitude. Yesterday, I went out and the streets were filled with green flags. People in cars, bikes and

Belated Eid Mubarak!

This Eid, I pray that all of us be blessed with Allah’s Mercy and Forgiveness. I pray that all of us live in peace, harmony and prosperity. With so much pain and despair revolving around Muslims these days that it becomes difficult to celebrate Eid and feel truly joyous. Even though you want to ignore or at least forget for a while the brutality of war, yet it is not easy. It is not easy to ignore the crying faces of children and all the bloodshed. Yet we move on, with deepest prayers in our hearts that Allah bestow us with His divine forgiveness. And so it is... Ameen! Once again Eid Mubarak! Sonya Syed. (Day 487)

Love, is it?

Since early hours of yesterday I had a feeling that I am missing something or someone badly, life seemed meaningless as if there is no inspiration left in me. I felt depressed and extremely torpid and lethargic; feelings of loneliness and despair were all over resulting in irritability. I was unable to concentrate on anything and I thought that I am completely lost in this world. Food lost its attraction, although I had been fasting yet I didn’t have any inclination to eat or even looking at food. Apparently, these symptoms point towards failure in romantic pursuit. However, what was alarming that there was neither any pursuing nor the factor of being pursued. It was after the Iftaari (breaking of fast) I had to go to a nearby mall and for some strange reason I felt a pull towards a Cinnabon cafĂ©   where they made extremely delicious cinnamon rolls, I ordered my favorite chocolate roll and a cup of iced mocha (which was extremely bitter, so better try mocha frappe).

Its Magic once again!

I have written about this life changing book many times but I believe that it will only be fair that once again I should write about it. The Magic, by Rhonda Byrne.  I do not have any words to describe the beauty and wonder of this book, it teaches to look into many new untouched aspects of our life that we ignore so easily. After reading this book and truly absorbing the essence of its content, I have no words to describe how it has been vital in healing my life. Every morning before starting my daily life I randomly open this book to see my assignment for today. Of course Eckhart Tolle’s 'Practicing the Power of Now' is always in my bag and whenever I feel that I am falling off my track I just open the book randomly and get my direction.  My friend once pointed out to me that if you read Quran, then that will be enough for you and there will be no need for me to search for anything else. I am 100% in agreement with this statement because there is

Day 484

After no deliberation or discussion, based only on impulse I have started ‘Sonya Syed’s Blog’ page on facebook. If you are on facebook, which I assume you are, so it has now become your moral obligation to like the page. Jokes apart, I am so grateful to all of you for being part of my journey, for always being there, for putting up with my ramblings and being there for me with all your encouragement and appreciation because without your blessings I would not have made it. When I deactivated my facebook account it was not pleasantly accepted and everyone had their own views on the subject. Many of my acquaintances were upset by deactivation, for which I truly apologize. Nevertheless, it was the necessity of the time and I had to do what I thought was suitable then. Honestly, there was no big mysterious reason behind going off in fact it was monotony in using this medium for years that propelled me. However, now I believe it’s the right time to get back in touch f