
The Pacemaker

It has often been said that our hearts are merely pumping machines and their only function is to purify and transmit blood. But if we observe closely, our heart is the place where we first experience any emotion.  When we are hurt or depress or unhappy for any reason, our emotion in the form of energy, revolves in heart giving us bad sensations. Similarly, when we are happy or excited our heart area feels very light as a feather. Whatever happens to us, we feel all that primarily in our heart region. However, with the busyness that goes in our minds and in environment, we hardly ever realize that it is our heart which suffer and endures our life’s pain, as well as pleasures. Science now tells us that our hearts also have brains, they feel and think. Mind is the high-tech processing machine which brings out situations, memories, names, images and people matching the feelings coming out of heart.   In every Religious book, hearts are given prime importance. In

To watch or not to watch is the question?

I have made a pact with myself that I shall avoid watching Pakistani political talk shows & especially morning shows which have somehow possessed our entertainment industry. Anwar Maqsood shahab rightly suggested , ‘khuda key wastey morning shows aur talk shows naa dekha kareen yeh sub qiyamat ki neeshanian hain!’(please don’t watch talk shows and morning shows as they both are signs of nearness of the judgment day). However, when guests like Umar Shareef and Nabila are on then I think I can bend and stretch my rules a bit. What can I say about Umar Sharif, a comedian par beyond,  there are no words to describe his brilliance. However, what saddens me to see that there is no one these days or in the near future who can take his place and continue to spread the gifts of laughter and joy. These days he is busy collecting donations to fully establish his charity hospital, the building is ready and waiting for the equipments. I wish him all the best and request all

Good to be in love…

I just suddenly realized that I am a student of the 'World University' founded by God. In this University Allah has several faculties run by various Deans and Teachers. First faculty is ‘Home’ whose Dean is my family that has taught me how to eat, behave and survive in this world. Second faculty is ‘Healing’ whose Dean is Dr. Zainab, whose teachers taught me how to heal myself and others. Third faculty is ‘Soul and the World’ whose Dean is Oprah Winfrey, whose group of teachers have taught me the essence of life and how to live it the best way. Fourth faculty is ‘Life’ it has many Deans and several Visiting teachers. Everyday someone new comes in this faculty and gives me a new lesson. The teachers of Life faculty are of mixed variety, sometimes they give me the painful lessons, sometimes they give me the treasures of life. All in all this is the most interesting yet the most unpredictable faculty. Now there is a new teacher at my University by th

What a day I had!

It said that if you wish to see the real face of any country, all you need to do is see the condition of libraries there. And what I saw today I can only say that “I am truly sorry for Pakistan, especially for all of us”. I am working on a project these days, for that I need to visit libraries for my research. The start of my day was beautiful everything synced perfectly, until I met the Frere Hall Library. Since my childhood I was fascinated by this building, it stood in the best part of Karachi with all its majesty and grace and one cannot help but marvel on its architecture, a true classic. As I entered the vicinity I saw that the front door of the library was closed and the entry was from the side. Slowly and cautiously I walked towards the side area because there was not much human presence. The building reminded me of the moment from the movie “The Haunting” where all the mysteriously invited characters one by one entered the old haunted mansion. Alt