The Pacemaker

It has often been said that our hearts are merely pumping machines and their only function is to purify and transmit blood. But if we observe closely, our heart is the place where we first experience any emotion. 

When we are hurt or depress or unhappy for any reason, our emotion in the form of energy, revolves in heart giving us bad sensations. Similarly, when we are happy or excited our heart area feels very light as a feather.

Whatever happens to us, we feel all that primarily in our heart region. However, with the busyness that goes in our minds and in environment, we hardly ever realize that it is our heart which suffer and endures our life’s pain, as well as pleasures.

Science now tells us that our hearts also have brains, they feel and think. Mind is the high-tech processing machine which brings out situations, memories, names, images and people matching the feelings coming out of heart.  

In every Religious book, hearts are given prime importance. In Quran there are several verses which states the condition of ‘closing of heart’, ‘darkness of heart’, ‘secrets of heart’.

Not only that heart have brain and power of thinking but it is also the place where our soul resides, and the decisions we make are always coming from our heart and not from our mind.

And these decisions are always based on how we feel about a particular person or situation. If our heart feels light about someone or something, we take decisions favoring that person or thing. If our hearts feels bad (angry, sad, depressed, jealous) then the decisions are made accordingly.

Emotions always cloud our mind, and thus our lives.

Heart diseases can be the result of bad living habits, smoking or drinking, genetic defect or due to stress. But before all these reasons, the main cause of heart ailments is its prolonged suffering due to our own actions.

Yes, we make our own hearts suffer when we give supreme importance to our EGO. It is our big, fat, and ugly ego, our false self that kills us.

Ego is not only our unnecessary and over rated self-esteem, rather it is a genie or a spirit that possess our mind and body throughout our lives.

There is a classic horror movie “the exorcist’’ in which an evil spirit possesses the body of a little girl. In the beginning it shows itself in glimpses but as the movie continues it fully takes over the little girl to a point where the girl can no more be  seen and what is left, is the Evil spirit.

Similarly our bodies are also possessed by the Evil Spirit of EGO, its main targets are the heart and mind. It stays in our mind in the form of our negative thoughts, it keeps talking to us, giving us commands every single second.

‘This is bad’. ‘You are a duffer’. ‘You cannot do this because you are incapable of it’. ‘She is a horrible person’. ‘He hates me’. ‘Everyone is conspiring against me”. ‘I am so lonely’. ‘My complexion is so dark, I hate myself’. ‘I will never forgive you’. ‘I hate you’.

This evil spirit keep on feeding our minds with this negativity and ultimately our hearts suffer.

This evil spirit tells us to close our heart and directs us to never forgive the ones who have hurt us; rather it commands us to take revenge, taunt, hurt, abuse everybody.

The moment we accept the commands of this evil spirit it begins to destroy us. However, our heart fights back it tells us to stop following the commands of evil spirit. 

Yet if in our stubbornness we continue to ignore the humble pleas of our heart it begins to shout and fight fiercely. This is the classic fight of heart and mind.

And if we allow the evil spirit of Ego to take over us completely then our hearts reach a point where they are unable to fight anymore and lose their right rhythm. Then one day, they just stop.

No cardiac pacemaker can tolerate the burden of soul. Forgive who ever needs to be forgiven, whether it’s yourself or someone else.

I cannot help much but all I can say or request is, release what you are holding on to, free yourself from the possession of evil spirit of Ego and the only person who can help you is, YOU.

With all my prayers.

Sonya Syed. (Day 524)


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