Only if we knew...

Image Courtesy Fahad Mustafa official Facebook page

This latest ad that stars my favorite actor Shaan with other brilliant Pakistani actors from the likes of Jawed Sheikh, Iman Ali, Saima, Mehwish Hayat and Fahad Mustafa. I  loved it, fell in love with it immediately it didn’t take me to think twice and I just loved it. And then in few seconds of watching this number cum advertisement, I realized that the vocals for this song were given by Indian singers Sukhwinder Singh and Sunidhi Chauhan.

I mean, like what the hell!! This ad was supposed to showcase Pakistani culture and its celebrities, no offence to either Sukhwinder or Sunidhi, but what the f….? It is not their fault that our people are dying to sign them, they are after all professionals and simply doing their job.

But are we so handicapped as a nation that we couldn’t find someone from Pakistan to sing for this ad. Sorry for the language but I am really pissed off with those people who are sitting on executive positions, earning millions from Pakistan and do not have any shame in promoting Indian celebrities on such a high level.

I have nothing against Indian singers and actors, I love their movies and stars but when I have to choose there is no way that I am ditching our country’s talent. This is the reason that people with big pockets senselessly go for Indian celebs, they do not have any idea what kind of damage they are doing to their own country or maybe they know and that’s why they are deliberating doing so.

Every government, every regime has tried their best in strangling Pakistani culture. Films, music, or any other form of art, are integral for moral and aesthetical survival of any nation and if it is brutally murdered than the result is chaotic youth and directionless natives.

We are a Muslim country and if go by the basic rules of morality and understand the difference between aesthetics and obscenity, art and vulgarity; then there is no thing that can stop us because we are loaded with talent.

If we had a properly functioning film industry it would have been so easy for us to show that we are a peace loving nation and Islam is a religion of peace, equality and justice. Cinema could have given us voice that can be heard around the world. It could have been cultivated into a true industry creating many jobs and generating huge revenues.

If he had high level of literacy, there could have been many authors who would write great books about Islam and Muslims that are sold to millions around the world.

If we had given respectful place to all forms of art, we would have been termed as a sane nation.

Only if we had…….

Today we are a confused nation, and our identity is being deliberately killed. It seems that it’s not only the enemy that is attacking our boundaries but we have many stronger enemies within who are damaging our roots only because of crappy cash.

Pakistan is highly rated for the most charity giving country in the world. No doubt about that because we are trying to bribe Allah now.

Nevertheless the Reality is, that all these huge sums of charities, artificial prayers, Hajj or Umrahs cannot bribe God. With Him it’s all straight forward and clean accounts.

I am sure God must be laughing on us and thinking that we are a bunch of idiots, who have no idea whether they will be able to take next breath, and that we will meet our Creator with empty pockets only loaded with our deeds and actions in this world.

Huhh.... only if we really knew.

May we become true humans. Good Night!

Sonya Syed. (Day 517)


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