To watch or not to watch is the question?

I have made a pact with myself that I shall avoid watching Pakistani political talk shows & especially morning shows which have somehow possessed our entertainment industry.

Anwar Maqsood shahab rightly suggested , ‘khuda key wastey morning shows aur talk shows naa dekha kareen yeh sub qiyamat ki neeshanian hain!’(please don’t watch talk shows and morning shows as they both are signs of nearness of the judgment day).

However, when guests like Umar Shareef and Nabila are on then I think I can bend and stretch my rules a bit. What can I say about Umar Sharif, a comedian par beyond,  there are no words to describe his brilliance.

However, what saddens me to see that there is no one these days or in the near future who can take his place and continue to spread the gifts of laughter and joy. These days he is busy collecting donations to fully establish his charity hospital, the building is ready and waiting for the equipments. I wish him all the best and request all of you to donate for the noble cause.

If anyone of you has the chance to watch the latest addition to Indian comedians, Kapil Sharma, who has taken the entertainment scene by storm is the student of Omer Sharif, including Johnny lever and Akshay Kumar.

I have seen few shows of Kapil and always used to wonder that his comedy is quite different from other Indian comedians. He does not make dual meaning jokes or have any vulgar comments rather he uses language skills to elaborate a person or situation comically. 

Then the next day it was Nabila’s interview, renowned fashion stylist and style consultant of Pakistan. Yet the main focus of the interview was not her beauty tips but the fact that she has climbed K2 and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, and also plans to climb Mount Everest soon.

I was really surprised that someone like her who chooses luxury and style would go for such rough and tough adventure, but people always surprise or shock us when we least expect.

I am also fortunate to have been styled twice by Nabila, around 3 or 4 years ago, and it was an experience to remember. I was very nervous before meeting her but the moment she started to talk to me I felt that I have known her for a long time, she introduced me to her Mummy, who was also visiting Nabila that day.

Even with all that style and persona Nabila is very humble, simple and of course very creative.  She started to ask me lot of questions about my professional and personal life so she could get an idea how I think and how I live? When I shared my ideas with her the only thing she said was, "lets get crazy!".

And then she started to work on my hair and quite honestly after seeing her focus with scissors I got frightened, it felt as if I am observing a painter who is filled with wild passions while he is painting. 

My fear quickly became apparent to Nabila and her friend-cum-client who was sitting beside me. She even asked Nabila, "calm down, you are scaring the girl". 

However, when I saw the final product I was simply amazed- the haircut was great and I received lot of appreciation, paisay wasool hogaye!

Nabila is a risk taker and very creative, and if you are ready for a real change in your style, both within yourself and your outer life, then opt for her because if you prefer conservative or traditional styling then you would not be fully able reap the benefits of her creativity. Although her salon stylists, trained by Nabila herself, perfectly handles all clients from crazy ones like me, to traditional. 

Before meeting her I sheepishly believed that I sport modern haircuts and could be borderline stylish, until she told me to make changes in the way I dress up because my dressing is quite old fashioned and my clothing selection can swallow her entire styling. She gave me few tips that I tried to follow them, but failed obviously.

So I went back to what I liked, stylish or no stylish, fine with me. I think style is something which should be comfortable, and of course according to the environment we live in. We can however, at times slightly twist and add a bit of funk to what we wear. My personal favorites are Shan Shahid and Sarah Jessica Parker- always changing, experimenting, learning and evolving.

Shaan with his wife (makeover by Nabila)

Sarah Jessica Parker

Nevertheless, I am absolutely grateful to Allah for giving me this wonderful opportunity twice and I deeply respect Nabila'a suggestions, and promise to seek her advice and also follow it with all my heart when I will give my speech in the United Nations.

Until then we shall enjoy the magic of Nabila that she performed on various celebrities, some of them stuck to her advice and became huge successes while others went back to being there usual selves.

Shoaib Akhtar

Actor Reema Khan

Actor Babra Sharif

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sonya Syed. (Day 523)  


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