
Pre 23rd March, 2016

Listening to such painful news from Brussels one is left without any words to express sorrow. It is upsetting to see how a developed and resourceful country like Belgium is completely chaotic and in the grips of tension and fear.     Nothing however can be taken out of the context, there is a chain of events that had lead the world to such a vulnerable situation. The problem of Palestine which have maintained status quo amongst the world leaders had ignited a chain reaction which spared no one. Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and other disturbances created within the Muslim world partly due to lack of unity amongst Muslim leaders and partly because of over-involvement of unconcerned international parties in our problems.        All these unresolved issues lead to sever injustice, and constant injustice is similar to a dormant volcano. Today what we witness before us is the eruption of the silent volcano. Everything is linked with each other, principle of cause and

Being a woman

Last night was a sleepless, anxious night. I felt the discomfort I have never felt before, and when I did get some sleep it was filled with strange dreams. In the long series of dreams I had, I remember couple of them. In one dream a man and woman, probably husband & wife, were sitting in a waiting room. The wife kept crying and her husband looked away. Then in another dream I saw a man slapping a woman and then that woman began crying. She yelled at that man, ‘you have hit me, now I will throw you out of my house, you cannot live with me anymore’. Then she was running from one corner to another trying to find someone- but no one was there. Entire series of these dreams I saw a woman anxiously moving around a house, it was crazy and chaotic. When I woke up I was seriously worried about those dreams, my heart and mind were heavy. I thought probably it was because of my caffeine intake. It felt as if I was on the edge ready to collapse. But why I was happy yesterday e

New, newer, newest

Oh my goodness! It feels as though twenty years have passed since I last wrote. Life has dramatically altered, time is restricted and there is a deep regret that there are only 24 hours per day. Like it or not, everything has to be managed within this time-frame. And I have discovered that I have quite poor time management skills. There was a time when I ‘was’ so punctual for my meetings and other duties that people used to manage their watches with my timing. And now….I am Miss Late. Only God could solve the mystery of my time mismanagement, although I don’t waste a single second yet the result is mostly the same- ten minutes late.   Probably when the dynamics of our life change- our behaviors and attitudes alter accordingly. This is the time in my life when I have become a pure academic lawyer involved in research projects, today my priorities are different and targets are more focused. Teaching has become a soulful enriching experience and it has opened so many new


2016- A brand new year, a fresh start, updated resolutions, some old feelings and some new expectations. I pray from my heart that God bless this year with His divine light, so we live in peace, health, joy and wealth. Pakistan is going through a metamorphosis, this is the time when history is being written; a time that could either make or break us. I hope we learn from our mistakes and try our best that this becomes a making moment. Political scenario is not very encouraging; everywhere we turn there is a financial scandal, corruption and terrorism news. Criminals have invented new ways of committing crime, they are sharp, tech savvy and definitely smarter than our legal system. I am currently working on my research project about white collar crime and to be very honest I am deeply saddened by what I am learning through my research. White collar crime, ‘ is a crime committed by the person of high status & respectability during the course of his occupation’ . This term a


Few years ago if someone asked me about my future, I would have given him/her a well-thought reply, of course, I will be a great lawyer. And today all my plans and outlook on life has altered dramatically, I have turned into a person I have never thought that I would ever be. Teaching is not a simple job; it has so much more to it. Teaching, is a powerful exchange of tremendously vibrant energy. Everyone who is sincerely involved in this process is automatically blessed with love and light. I am humbled and deeply grateful to Allah, for choosing me to do this incredible job and I am blessed to have wonderful students. I love being a lawyer, and I am good at it, but I truly enjoy being a law professor. It gives me the zest and new ways of being, to think, to learn and to evolve. I am not going for any career shift rather I am simply, expanding my horizons. I always believed that being a great lawyer is the main goal of my life and I would die if I couldn’t achieve thi

Beautiful souls

Karachi, Rangers, APS, so much is going on these days that it’s almost crazy. A year gone by, yet the wounds are still fresh, the pain is still there and the hearts are still heavy. Beautiful souls were taken away from their loved ones and this world would never be the same again. We all go back to our lives and it appears that its business as usual but no- it is never going to be as usual. It is only our inherent coping mechanism giving us strength to move on. The courage and resilience which the surviving students, teachers and staff of APS showed is tremendous. I really appreciate their decision of refusing to have a holiday on 16 th December. My love and prayers for all of them. And in the loving memory of the departed Beautiful Souls… million prayers Sonya Syed. (Day 551)

Love thy neighbour!

15 th October 2015, that is when I wrote my last post. Although it has been more than a month but it feels as if ages have passed. I have never felt this fulfilled and complete in my entire life as I do now. Life, my professional activities every aspect has gone through enormous metamorphosis. Learning, giving, sharing and receiving are the words which could define me aptly. As for the blog I have missed it badly, every day I was experiencing something new that I was dying to share. It is most interesting that my relationship with you all through this blog is like two close friends, irrespective of the time gap after which they meet, it feels as if no time has elapsed between them- reconnection is almost immediate. So where to start from, of course the unfortunate attack on Paris and even more unfortunate the impact which this attack would have not only on the lives of Muslims in France but Muslims around the world. The attack has once again changed the world politics a