Hey! Where is my coffee?

It is such a bizarre phenomena that Karachites prefer to have their coffee only in winters. I am surprised to know that my favorite coffee brand Maxwell has limited supply and is available during winter season. Everyone can drink tea throughout the year, and I cannot have my coffee. So using this prestigious platform, I register my protest!

I have not returned from one grocery store infuriated and without my coffee; this is the same case with several supermarkets in Karachi and they all had the same reply. Few of the stores didn’t have Maxwell ever in their stores. Personally, I have nothing against the Nescafe (a brand which has possessed Karachi) and its owner must be a nice person but I just cannot bear its ultra flat taste. The other “imported” brands which are available are far too strong for my humble soul, and they make feel as if I have just drank a crushed cigar.

My father (Abba, may his soul rest in peace - my love to you) bought for me a couple of extra-large family jars of coffee; and Abba that was the best coffee I ever had. Nevertheless, he could never understand my coffee drinking habit. He humorously used to say, “tumhare purey khandan mein koi coffee nahi peta tumhein kahan sey yeh shouq lag gaya”; that no one in your entire family drinks coffee then how did you start drinking it.

It is such a delight to see children growing up and to be able to contribute in whatever way it is possible in the process of their growth. A seven-month-old boy is being treated for his thyroid problem at the clinic where I work and it is amazing to observe how much progress he is making. Since his last two visits I am doing his therapy, his feet are so tiny and soft that I fear I might disassemble them from his legs. But when he smiles at me and tries to communicate with me in the best possible way he can, it makes my fear dissolve into thin air and gives me the courage to do my best.

Now this is another aspect of my life, of being a healer, which is not quite welcome in the legal fraternity. Most of the lawyers I meet consider this as a diversion, a lack of focus on my part. All I could say is that I always love being a lawyer but I am at peace when I am able to be a part of someone’s healing process. And I believe that love is incomplete without peace...

With my dearest affections.

Sonya. (Day 185)


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