
This is one of the strangest title I have ever given to my posts, but its true. I have made a comeback on the blog, it has been almost a month since I wrote my last post. Although the phrase “comeback” is far suitable for people like Madhuri Dixit who actually make comeback and everyone is just dying to have a glimpse of her.

Since this is my kingdom so I can be Madhuri, Angelina Jolie or even Queen of Wales whatever I choose to be and all of you my loving friends would love me, in all that I am.

This past month has been full of surprises and acceptances. Of course, there are moments of dullness but mostly life hasn’t been less than an adventure.

For so many years I lived with my stubborn mindset, I believed that I know it all. I thought that I have decided what I want and need to do – I have fixed plans. Yet these last few weeks have changed entire way of my thinking. I was in complete denial of few realities; I believed them to be merely a figment of my mind, my imagination but no- they are as true and as real as this moon and night are.

Actually I was afraid to believe in the unseen, to trust my instincts. I was desperately trying to justify and analyze things. Being a lawyer that I am I needed to surety and security and above all I needed proofs; and when I accepted things as they are; immense peace and joy emerged. I can’t thank enough my mother and my teacher Dr. Mah Jabeen who not only patiently listened to my mind’s wandering but also gave me the best advice.
Although I haven’t received any proofs or verifications yet I have now found my peace and faith.

Now on the professional side and this is where the surprise part comes in; couple of new projects are under consideration. Although I have just received a confirmation for one of them from my very special source; however, before I get wildly excited I would like to see it in black and white- again speaks the logical lawyer.

There is also betterment on my cervical pain and this pain was one of the reasons to avoid using computer for long hours. If I get down to writing, it takes straight 1-2 hours and my poor neck has to suffer the consequences.

Wish all of you all the health and wealth…have a great weekend.

With my love…

Sonya. Day (191)


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