Monday blues

11 pm and I am done with all daily chores, nothing is left and now this post is finally that last touch before I go to the comforts of sleep. Everyone at home especially the kids-cum-cousins were bored to extreme heights, nobody had anything to do and then there is Monday. So all of us went through monday-sickness or Monday-blues together. In my curiosity and to get the right concept I googled Monday-sickness and hundred results appeared. Then I realized we are not the only ones suffering from it but there are many people who share the same sentiments.

In Monday-sickness people mostly suffer from muscular pains or viral infection on mondays and it is actually when we enjoy and relax on our weekends too much that we begin to realize that we have to start our week all over again. The feeling of enjoyment, fun and relaxation on weekends often stays with us when Monday comes which later turns into lethargy or boredom.

There were researches done by leading universities which included review of the sickness management records in private sector. The study revealed that 35% of all sick leaves are taken on Mondays, with attendance on the remaining working days becoming higher as the week progresses.

We don’t even realize that beneath our caste, religion, creed or nationality we are all same. That these are mere facades which we have created ourselves; yet deep down our emotions, hopes, fears, and wishes are alike. Someone living in Australia or Timbuktu or Karachi has the same core; although it can be easily blurred by our mind-made illusions of ourselves.

When we as human forget who we are in reality we tend to create borders, distinctions and differences. It occurred to me that the next time when I say that I have nothing in common with someone then I must think again- because probably 3 years or 50 years from now both of us will be rotten corpses, nevertheless; both of our spirits pure beautiful and timeless shall continue live till eternity.

On that note, I take your leave dearest ones….Good Night…

Sonya. (Day 192)


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