Friday it is..

Damsel is out of her distress, accepted everything with dignity and is now looking for brighter side of matters. I have been quite busy with some work at home, some cooking requests from family and by the time I was with myself, I just wanted to sleep.

Today in my sheer stupidity I accidentally closed my mobile when I was expecting a highly important call. There were hundreds of marketing and product promotion sms’s continuously coming in the evening and in order to concentrate on my work I decided to switch off the mobile and open it within few minutes. Probably an hour elapsed when I discovered that I completely forgot to switch on my phone but by then the possibility of receiving that call also vanished. Time management is crucial.

Yet I am confident that I will receive that call- if not today, then tomorrow or day after tomorrow but I shall receive it and this is my faith..Insha Allah.

The yoga instructor to whom I went to study yoga, told me that I am an Escaper. He said that, “first you with all your love and devotion work on something and when a time comes for you to commit, you panic and escape.” Gosh! such a true and brutal analysis of me.

However, I must admit that the above statement has proved to be true in most of my professional life and now in personal life as well. One unfavorable person or situation I encounter, I hardly ever fight back and leaves whole the situation. I simply don’t want to get into any trouble or mental tension so I Escape.

This has been my mode of survival throughout yet now it is seriously challenged by my current life scenarios. My teacher, my mother both are telling me to stay grounded, focused on my goals and they are not letting me escape easily. They say that my fears make me run away when I can certainly cope with the situations or people with common sense and intelligence.

So lets see where does this new brave approach will lead me..

Have a great weekend!!

Sonia (Day 197)


Naved Ahasn said…
Miss C-----,
I just want to ask one thing, why are u so confused in life all the time ?? your writtings makes me confuse as well and in this confusion im totally confused as u can see by this confused writing of mine :) have a nice weekend with confusion :)

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