Sunday brunch...

Hot, humid and dusty with hardly any traces of rain in this beloved city of mine. We all are desperately waiting for showers pouring down from heaven but alas there seems to be some delay. Delay is such an uncomfortable aspect of human life. To wait patiently for something that you have desired for so long and you are aware of its presence in close proximity, yet to accept and cherish the delay, is the true test of our patience.

For some reason I find in myself a desire to write the blog in Urdu language. Converting an English post to Urdu from Google does not feel natural, besides the essence of the conversation might be lost in the verbatim translation. So I need to look for an appropriate system for Urdu blog.

While writing this post I have heard a very distressing news piece that reconditioned cars, spare parts that are exported to Pakistan from Japan via Afghanistan and Dubai, contains high levels of radiation from the nuclear power plant. So please do not buy any cars or spare parts which are reconditioned or imported from Japan. I don’t understand what kind of greed is instilled in our brains. Nothing is enough for us, the more we collect and possess the more we want to have. More, more and more yet it still feels empty; as if we trying to fill a bottomless pot.

Whatever we believe to find from outside tangible or intangible sources is already present within us. It is merely because we refuse to go deeper, to face our pains and demons that we end up filling our selves with temporary pleasures of the world. We tend to find happiness and peace in possessing things, relationships, people and so on. Nevertheless, we forget that true peace and joy is independent of any form or structure.

Coming back to lighter side of life, I am all set to learn yoga from next week Insha Allah. Yoga not in terms of acrobatic exercises, but the true yogic knowledge about healing techniques and meditations. I came to know that Yoga is not only limited to stretches or turning upside down, in fact the original yogic knowledge is far more in depth. Most of ailments like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, asthma or boosting of energy levels and immune system can be treated only by using of hands and fingers with specific techniques called “yogic mudra”.

Few new legal projects are also in the pipeline, I pray that may God help me to fulfill all my worldly responsibilities competently and at the same time continue my learning and growth in the new dimension.

In hope & prayers, my dearests….

Sonya. (Day 195)


Anonymous said…
Wow, you write really well!
Sonya Syed said…
Thank you so much...

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