Heart, Mind, Soul- Spiritual healing (Tapping Therapy)

I have posted a video above by life coach Iyanla Vanzant (an author, inspirational speaker) on the tapping therapy. If you can watch this video on my blog then it is excellent but if you are unable to then I suggest that you find it on YouTube. It is a highly effective video where Iyanla explain in details about the tapping therapy.

This is an amazing self-healing technique which can be used by anyone of any age and for any emotional-physical discomfort and illness. Actually, in the field of spiritual healing or alternative medicine it is believed that all Diseases are created in the body whenever there is Dis-Ease in us. 

Initially we have a negative or painful emotion stuck in us for a prolonged period, which then changes into slight aches or pain and ultimately those slight pains transmute into real physical illness.

Broadly speaking, we all have invisible 7 chakras (wheels) in our bodies corresponding to our endocrine system. Alongside these chakras there are energy channels (meridians) which connect these chakras with each other. If there is disturbance in any of the chakras then illness is created.

For instance if you are angry with somebody for days or months, then this would affect your heart beat which will increase on the very thought of the person. If this anger energy is not moved out, then one might start getting acidity or it can even lead to heart dysfunction.

We with our naked eye cannot see these chakras nor they can be detected via any hi-tech scanning machine but they exist and not only they exist but our entire life depends on them.

Whether it is tapping therapy, acupressure, reflexology, acupuncture, reiki or any other mode of healing their main purpose is to release stress or negativity from the body and create peace and healing.

The pictures I have posted here is just to give you an idea that how much our internal system is responsible for giving us a healthy life.

The whole point of writing this post and sharing this video is to create awareness so that we are equipped with information to lead a wholesome life- whereby our emotional, physical and spiritual states can all come into harmony, peace and health.

If any one of you has some health problems for which you are taking any medicines, then please continue to do so. Every mode of healing has its own place. What I am discussing here is complementary/alternative medicine which is to be used along with your medical treatment, because it will help your medicines to work far more effectively as well as maintaining your peace

Your heart (emotions) leads to your mind (thoughts), and your mind leads to your health.

Have a great day!

Sonya Syed. (Day 462)


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