23rd March 2015

Once upon a time not long ago there lived great men and women, they lived in unity and with a dream. A dream which they all nourished with their soul and blood– a dream of dignity, of peace, of solidarity, of equality, of prosperity, of security and above all a dream to live in their own little world- a world where everyone is respected, irrespective of their caste, culture or creed; a world where everyone is allowed to pray the way they chose and a world where justice prevails.

Pakistan gained independence from British Rule on August 14, 1947. Nine years after Pakistan’s creation, the first constitution was implemented on March 23rd, 1956. March 23rd was initially meant to celebrate the adoption of the country’s first constitution and its transformation as a republic. Later, the 1956 Constitution was annulled in 1958 and March 23rd became a day to commemorate the Lahore Resolution of 1940, which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan.

In the year 1940 Muslim League’s general session held from March 22 to March 24 at Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan’s founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and other party leaders endorsed the Two-Nation Theory, and called for a separate Muslim homeland. 

The main document that demanded creation of a separate Muslim state “The Lahore Resolution” was executed and supported by all major Muslim Leaders of the time.

The Two-Nation theory stated that Hindus and Muslims were from two different nations. Muslim culture, tradition, religion, ideology, morals and language were all distinctly different from Hindu ideals. Both nations (Hindus and Muslims) shared mutually contradicting beliefs. Therefore, an autonomous state consisting of Muslim majority areas of British India was demanded to protect Muslims’ political, social and cultural rights.

Hence the manifestation of a dream called “Pakistan”. A state which is though created on the Muslim ideology but it contained therein respect and acceptance of every religion.

Today in 2015, although we are living in the manifested dream of our forefathers, but I am not sure as to what extent we are adhering to the real purpose of creation of Pakistan.

Unfortunately we have grown as a desensitized nation, with less morality and unending greed. We have all become opportunists who would go to any length to increase our wealth and our so-called status. We are a nation with inferiority complex and confused identity. We are a nation who hardly gives correct account of our justified wealth, yet we are amongst the most charity giving country in the world, a way to camouflage our ugliness behind the veil of piety.

Wait! Then what to do? Is it all that bad? Are we really this ugly, greedy and insensitive? Are we all bad? Isn’t there any hope for us or our future generations? Are we all supposed to find a shelter in USA, Canada or UK?

I don’t have any answer to the above questions, but a whisper in my heart says to me, “don’t lose hope, for losing hope is a sin. Peace, justice, equality and compassion are the real ingredients of a human soul.

So if you repent, each one of you, and make a promise with yourselves that from today I shall not be greedy, from today I shall practice honesty, from today I will be fair in all my dealings, from today I will not hate, from today I will be compassionate, from today I will be at peace with myself and everyone else.

If you can keep up with your promises, each one of you individually without forcing them on others, then doors can be opened and light would be allowed to enter. Only If you can keep up with your promises…”

With best wishes!

Sonya Syed. (Day 527)


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