Attachments & Tough Decisions
Emotional attachment or attachment of any kind with either material things or humans are many times cause of pain and the biggest impediments in taking rational and just decisions. These decisions in themselves are not tough but our attachment to their content makes it difficult for us to decide. I too have taken a major decision, at first it appeared rather impossible but on close inspection when a certain threshold of apprehension and attachment was reached fear immediately subsided and everything fell into its place and emerged therefrom a peaceful and focused answer. What shall be the modus operandi when one has exhausted all mortal resources to manifest few things in life, should we continue to fight, be in a rut and resist the reality or should we surrender and do whatever this moment requires us to do? I don’t have answers to any of these questions because our mortal mind is so limited in its capacity to see the reality (reality with the capital R) of everything that even ...