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I have sent quite a few emails today mostly professional but somehow I feel more real with hand written letters formally on paper, envelopes and postage stamps, there is a sense of tradition there. However the kind of techno developments we have in this age it is not possible for us to ignore them anymore; everything has become very swift, sophisticated and impersonal.

The allegedly dark clouds which were hovering over my skies yesterday have given way to a brighter and open day. Things are after all settled so now I am glad to have a better perspective and a clearer mind.

Almost for a week I have been reading or at least trying my best to read Bleak House by Charles Dickens, it’s a long novel and I give up reading after six pages into the book and then began again. He is such a renowned author that having such an attitude towards his work makes me feel somewhat impolite. Occasionally it is fine to read spiritual material or books of insights into human nature but not always, every so often reading light and easy to grasp material fulfils all the thirst. Hopefully by the time I finish this book I might have learned good things about life and people because there must be some purpose for reading 808 pages.

If only I fell in love with this book I shall recommend it to all.

Until I fall in love….. a very Good Evening!

Sonya. (Day 95)


Naved Ahsan said…
Hi, for understanding charles dickens u must first read david cooperfield and then dave and then try the run away jury and then bleak "wht ever u said", tht might improve your understanding of him. tc bye

PS. Dont think i have read them all :)

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