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Thank you Naved for your suggestions I shall read David Copperfield, as for Runaway Jury I have read it and must I say what an incredible book it is, a very fine thriller indeed.

Mornings are always bright, beautiful and beckoning hope; I am the best in mind, body & spirit in the earliest hours of the day however as the time passes further ahead things do begin to slow down a bit. But never mind at this very moment it is morning and this is what all there is.

Patience begins with tolerance and understanding for others’ behaviour and bearing everything with grace; nevertheless, there are instances when one would like to explode due to rage. These are the times when all spiritual data should come into force and result in peace, forbearance and compassion not only for others but also for ourselves but the point is that do we really want peace and do we really want to come out of our miseries, the answer is NO. We are addicted to our suffering, our pain, our fears, our stress, our anger and we are not content until we completely burn ourselves in this hell.

Some wise people say that heaven and earth is not some thing in distant future but they are here and now. It is how we choose to spend our lives decides for us our heaven and hell on this very earth, because happiness is a choice that one makes. Intellectualizing these concepts is easy but when it is time for their application then we think them as inapplicable and a talk of alien world.

I guess my feverish body and mind needs to rest seriously or else I shall continue to ramble.

My love with everyone.

Sonya. (Day 96)


Naved Ahsan said…
Hi everyone, on the same note, i would like to share a few things, only if the host allows:

Its like, anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind so beaware and take time to laugh for its the music of the soul.

so enjoy what you have today :)
Thanks to Sonya for giving us the space to share our feelings.
Sonya Syed said…
I 100% agree with you Naveed,
as for the space I wanted to gather like minded people where we all are able to learn & grow...

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