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Jewels being lost are found againe *

It is really spooky to all of a sudden find something which you were looking for ages and almost lost all hope of ever seeing it again, one can’t help but get immense pleasure and joy on such occurrences. So I have also found something unexpectedly which is of great value to me, I didn’t even realize its worth until I found it. Why is it that we need to lose things in order to find later how much they meant to us? Probably that’s the way God would like things to be, and so when we ultimately find our precious gems we could be profoundly grateful for having them and take care of them the way they are supposed to be taken care of.
I know for some of you my vague descriptions appear confusing but believe me few things are best if left just the way they are.

After 4 days of constant worrying my little cousin brother Nabeel’s fever is reaching normalcy and so we all could breathe a sigh of relief. Its not easy to witness your dear ones in any sort of indisposition, you would want to do everything or anything in your meagre capacity which might bring them comfort and relief. Nevertheless under such circumstances I get an official certificate to worry. Worrying is my inherent trait, just observe my anxiety level when a family member goes out even just 2 blocks away and is late by 20 minutes. Although I try my best to remain calm & composed but there are qualities or shortcomings which are a part of our constitution and we can’t help them; but I believe it is wise to be well informed of your weaknesses.

Karachi’s weather is now more of a combination hot n humid day and breezy nights and if you could get a glimpse of the sky at midnight then you would agree with me that nothing is more sensuous than that.

I take your leave now…Siesta time!

Love to you.

Sonya. (Day 79)

* Christopher Marlowe


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