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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Mind comes into a relaxed mode after a healthy meal and one gets a finer grip on thinking; probably because deep relaxation is a high state of alertness.

If someone wants to quit any kind of addiction there is only one way and that is to go cold turkey, however, in case of alcoholism or substance abuse please consult your doctor. The addiction I am referring to is about endlessly watching TV or playing video games.

From past couple of days the TV set in my room has lost its senses and all we are able to receive from it are voices from unknown frequencies. Since my room is multi function one where I have my lunch or dinner sometime glued to TV (a habit I don’t approve of for anybody) or a much preferred sitting area for my family & friends. Whoever visit us always prefer to be seated in my room the reason of which is still not known to me till date.

The latest movie I had a chance to watch was a classic Cat on a Hot Tin Roof on TCM, a channel dedicated to telecast Hollywood classics starting from early 40’s. I am extremely fond of classics whether from Hollywood, Bollywood or Pakistani films, the older the better.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof had Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman in leads and I have to admit that its one intense family-drama. The plot, screenplay and every character is so fantastically intertwined and the best part is while watching it you won’t even realize that it’s from 50’s. The story and the characters are so real and relevant in today’s time. Out of several Liz Taylor classics my other favourite is The Giant and of Paul Newman’s The Prize, the latter is a perfect suspense drama.

One conclusion I have reached that regardless of creed, religion and country we all are same, our emotions are same, the bond between a mother and her child is same throughout the Universe; whatever makes us happy in Asia is also the cause of joy for the ones living in Antarctica.

So if you are a classic movies buff Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is for you and if you are not then it’s never too late to become one.

Internet is such a blessing; I have found the original trailer of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

Watch and enjoy.

Sonya. (Day 86)


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