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My Writer's Cramp

After 4 years of waiting and inability to write normally I finally visited the doctor to have a check up of my hand and to my amazement I am diagnosed with Writer’s Cramp. I must admit that on hearing this I felt a bit privileged because this problem usually happens to people who excessively use their hands like violinists, pianists or people who write a lot; so I felt as if I am some sort of an artist or a creative person.

Anyways coming back to the cramp it is nothing serious at all except that I would not be able to write properly for some time, although there is medication for this but I’m not interested in taking anything. The researchers have outlined few reasons however like hundreds of other health problems they are unable to determine the real cause, all they could do is give possible multiple explanations.

To be honest now I don’t have much faith in medications. The drugs merely have a placebo effect the real healing happens from somewhere unknown, like when we get a cut on our hand it heals by itself so I believe that the same organic intelligence is working within us to heal anything. Many of the medical sites where I searched for writer’s cramp suggested to relieve the stress and meditate regularly; really easy solutions because I already practice both of these treatments.

Please excuse me now because I am so sleepy that I cant concentrate any longer even the keys are blurred. So Good Night or shall I say Good Morning.

My love to all.

Sonya. (Day 84)

For more information on writer's cramp please follow the link below:


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