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Freedom Flotilla

What a day it was yesterday when around 1 pm I heard the news of renowned Pakistani Journalist/Anchorperson from AAJ TV Talat Hussain (also a personal favorite of mine), his producer Raza Mehmood Agha and Nadeem Ahmad Khan of Khubaid Foundation went missing on Freedom Flotilla the Turkish ship, on Gaza-bound humanitarian mission, which came under Israeli attack in international waters. Flotilla was carrying aid along with more than 700 activists including journalists from 40 countries.

Even though neither of these guys is my kith and kin nevertheless a sudden and intense bond with them and concern of their safety became the main concern not only for me but for many Pakistanis. Entire day people were glued to TV to receive some concrete news regarding their lives and safety. However, according to the latest information all three of them are out of harm's way and now all of us are waiting for their safe and sound return homewards.

The role of media and our Government in all of this is highly commendable nonetheless as Pakistanis we sincerely wish that both of these institutions would play as significant role as they did in case of ordinary citizens of Pakistan. Having said that I pray that nothing of this kind would ever be encountered by anyone else, ever! And that we all may live in peace and well-being, Insha’Allah.

A very Good Day to all…

Sonya. (Day 77/78)


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