
Day 118

Break from the comfort zone to explore new avenues in life could prove to be such a daunting task I never knew. But in this moment this exploring is required from me so I do it willingly and trying my best to give my best. Working of our intuition is such a mysterious process and when we try to understand these concepts the result is total chaos. We just have learn how to differentiate between our own fears and desires and the realities which we are lead towards by God. Of course intuition is nothing exclusive to a particular group of people rather it is inherent in every individual and all we have to do is just become aware of it. There are things which I would like to talk about in detail but I have too much on my plate at the moment so I would take your leave but only with a promise to come back soon and share it with you all. Till I return my lovelies you all shall remain with me in love….. Sonya. (Day 118)

Perception and reality

After ages mind is charged once again in learning new things and remembering the earlier lessons, I must say with some resistance though. It is such an irony that we humans compartmentalize our lives unnecessarily, we decide what to do at a certain age hence a time bracket is devised by our brains to do or not to do certain things, a decision devoid of any rationality. Of course there are few actions and deeds which if conducted at a particular time are considered dignified but then how do we settle the norms of dignity and standards. How can we say what is dignified or what is cheap- the answer would be that are mind informs us about it, nonetheless how the mind has come to such understanding is debatable. For moral principles and law the guidelines are derived from religion as ordained by the Almighty but what about the million other things. For instance how do we know that the sunflower has yellow colour or how do we know what we have labelled as sunflower is actually a sun flower.

All in a day's work!

Waking up at 3.30 am to have some sehri (supper before fasting) no parathas just simple plain food along with my good ole’ cold coffee and green tea, then praying if the severe drowsiness allows. At 8.45 am wake up to get ready for some action and around 2.30 am coming back home, and try to get a nap. Prayers & more of unnecessary chores and pure lethargy, then finally at 7 pm Iftari time (i.e. breaking of the fast). 8.45-10.30 pm trying my best to perform some religious rituals. By the time I get back to myself its 11 pm and I hardly have any time left to chat let alone activate my brain cells. However, I must add that taking a very tiny pinch of salt with full one or two glasses of water after Iftari or anytime of the day when one is feeling lethargic or disturbed would turn around everything. Salt is sodium chloride and the fluid which runs in brain too has sodium, chloride, proteins so if we take a pinch of salt it produces electric current in the brain which immediately incr

Happy Independence Day

14th of August exactly 63 years ago Pakistan was blessed with her independence from the British Raj; a long, hard and painful journey in which our forefathers, our elders gave their lives and unimaginable sacrifices. As citizens of this beautiful country which has provided us with incredible opportunities it is our duty to give back to her in the shape of our best of abilities, efforts and intentions to help Pakistan achieve eminence amongst other countries of the world which was the dream of our elders and founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah . This should not merely be a wish but a commitment, a commitment not to fail and disrespect the millions who sacrificed all that they had to give their young generation, us, a blessing in the name of Pakistan. Long Live Pakistan!!! Pakistan Zindabad!! Sonya. (Day 115)

Ramadan Mubarak

It feels like a privilege to be able to begin writing on the 1st of Ramadan Kareem, a holy month for all the Muslims around the world. By the Grace of God a month which not only gives its blessings to Muslims but the entire world becomes the receiver of the Grace and Compassion of the Almighty, the sole Creator of all Worlds. And I sincerely pray that in this auspicious month of Ramadan Almighty bless all of us with peace, harmony and love. May He bless His creation with rectitude and forgiveness. May He keep all of us in His protection, Divine Mercy and favour, Ameen ! Break of couple days in writing the blog is becoming a norm with me but what else to do, mornings and afternoons have become busy and by the time the day ends I hardly have any energy to think let alone sit and convey my thoughts in black and white. Finally I am making some progress with my training in Acupressure however it goes beyond saying that it is somewhat a laborious training becau

Faith, Hope & Prayers

At last got some vigour and inspiration to come on blog as the constant news coming in of massive devastations in so many parts of Pakistan had completely sucked the energy out of me. It almost felt guilty to sit comfortably in our homes and to talk about trivial things of life, a luxury, and the only wish which would come in these times is that every single person in the country must be peaceful & secured. Having said that it is also imperative in these times to be tremendously and profoundly grateful for all the countless great things which we all are blessed with. Still we want to know that why there is so much destruction and agony everywhere we turn around; I guess to understand the workings of God is rather an impossible task to achieve. It’s quite like a man-made landscape which when we see can comprehend easily because a mind like ours has manufactured it. On the other hand, if we go to a real and natural forest all we can see is trees and shrubs growing everywhere and in

Day 112

The irony of life is that irrespective of what goes around us, life seems to have a pace of its own it moves on and on with each one of us always being dragged along, whether merrily or miserably is another issue all together. There are moments when a strong urges arises from within to move to calmness of lush greenery, birds chirping in the nearby village, tranquillity of lake and the sun shining timidly; where there is no hustle to reach somewhere or to be somebody...uhhh.... Merely giving my thoughts an expression has soothed the senses. Well its getting late now and I have to keep the blog short, sorry for the brief and impersonal encounter today. I need to get some sleep before I doze off on the keyboard. Good Night everyone…… Sonya. (Day 112)