Perception and reality

After ages mind is charged once again in learning new things and remembering the earlier lessons, I must say with some resistance though. It is such an irony that we humans compartmentalize our lives unnecessarily, we decide what to do at a certain age hence a time bracket is devised by our brains to do or not to do certain things, a decision devoid of any rationality. Of course there are few actions and deeds which if conducted at a particular time are considered dignified but then how do we settle the norms of dignity and standards. How can we say what is dignified or what is cheap- the answer would be that are mind informs us about it, nonetheless how the mind has come to such understanding is debatable. For moral principles and law the guidelines are derived from religion as ordained by the Almighty but what about the million other things. For instance how do we know that the sunflower has yellow colour or how do we know what we have labelled as sunflower is actually a sun flower. We don’t know actually what it is; nevertheless we have given names, labels to people, things and events so as to recognize them but are we absolutely sure that the name or label we have assigned to someone or something is the real truth.
We say an event or a situation is good or bad but then how do we actually define good or bad; their definitions are purely based on the millions of years of mind pattern. So nothing is either good or bad rather all is neutral. If we get hurt physically, we feel certain sensations our brain immediately tells us its pain but what if we de-label or don’t try to interpret the sensation then what we are left with is merely a sensation and no pain. Life could become a living miracle only if we let go off our attachments or labels or analysis or interpretations of persons or circumstances. Irrespective of how hard we try to comprehend the workings of the Supreme Knower of all things, the Most Merciful, the God, our limited mind fails beyond a particular point. So why to bother, why not make our lives simpler if we don’t understand any thing then its better to send love to all, place it in God's hand, open our heart to all and let Him guide us.
With respect to the flood victims there is so much time spent in agonizing over the plight of others but in reality this attitude is only adding to their plight and misery creating the opposite of what we want for them plus it is not helping us in any way. It is the time to create new realities, so instead of focusing on their plight lets focus all our energies of what we want for them. So help us God!!
May all the love and peace be with you all…..

Sonya. (Day 117)


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