Day 118

Break from the comfort zone to explore new avenues in life could prove to be such a daunting task I never knew. But in this moment this exploring is required from me so I do it willingly and trying my best to give my best.

Working of our intuition is such a mysterious process and when we try to understand these concepts the result is total chaos. We just have learn how to differentiate between our own fears and desires and the realities which we are lead towards by God. Of course intuition is nothing exclusive to a particular group of people rather it is inherent in every individual and all we have to do is just become aware of it.

There are things which I would like to talk about in detail but I have too much on my plate at the moment so I would take your leave but only with a promise to come back soon and share it with you all.

Till I return my lovelies you all shall remain with me in love…..

Sonya. (Day 118)


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