
The past and our mind

What has my past days’ been is indeed a mind-boggling experience; nevertheless, the content of the matter is such that it would be wise to keep things with me until I am well-equipped with the right words to explain. Human being is by far the most complicated specie, our mind which is an amazing gift could become a mystery and an entire life-time is spent or wasted in trying to uncover its intricacies. Recently I have observed this on both personal level as well as a general observation that we get attached to a particular place or a memory or to an illness on a sub-conscious-level. Even though we say that we want to discard that memory or we want a treatment, yet to completely give up that illness or release that memory becomes a subconscious threat to our identity. Who would I be if I don’t have that particular ailment or nobody would care for me after I get well? Or if I can some how trap myself in that memory I can create fantastical stories out of it and would be able to hold mys

Day 151

Finally I made it to post today and quite early than my usual timings; it is comforting to know that everything is taken care of within the due time. I am desperately trying to make my day organized which means going to bed early and rising up a little more earlier with all the zest. I envy those who have a routine and they live by it, irrespective of what goes around them nothing hampers their schedule which they have set up for themselves.   After a gap of more than a month I have gone back to my workout routine. I need to do my exercise the first thing in the morning and get it out of my way. However to wake up early one has to sleep early as well or else there would be no concentration no focus and I get into the zombie mode, when I see but I really don’t see, when I am hearing yet not really listening.   My suggestion to all those who want to exercise is that, please don’t overdo anything in your enthusiasm like me because I got so excited that I didn’t even realized the poor feet

Winter, winter here you come…

So winter has officially begun in Karachi, and what a pleasant weather it is. There has been some rain in the neighbouring cities so Karachi by default gets to experience the after effects of the rain. Winter for some strange reason is my favourite season, not the below zero degree freezing one but when there is slight chilliness with a tinge of light rain. Personally it is also the time when I get taken over by an eating monster, so I eat non-stop whenever I get the chance. I take a full meal and couple of hours pass so again I need to eat. The eastern food and in particular a well-prepared very spicy biryani is worth dying for and also a personal favourite of mine. I must admit that being a food faddiest, a quality which I am not proud off, becomes a blessing in disguise. Thankfully I don’t like sweet dishes or deserts in any form in fact I can say that I don’t even have the taste buds to try anything sweet. Let alone sweets I cannot eat anything which is made of yogurt, milk or egg

After Eid and New Dimensions

Yesterday I was confident that I would write something but the moment I began writing nothing made sense so I decided to just chill and doze off in the comforts of my duvet. Eid came and Eid went with the blink of an eye and so rapidly have all the holidays passed. With all the laziness and nothingness holidays bring I still believe that we do need to get back to the hustle and bustle of life, to the normalcy or whatever it would mean to us. I had an Eid party at work today, it was real fun and everyone looked great, all dressed up and all. Its always nice to meet people at personal level rather than professionally. I for one love to meet people in their homes, they are always different in the comforts and security of their cocoon, their home. Even if you get to meet the people at work in some private function or wedding or dinner with their families around, you would always get the chance to witness their informal self and the easiness with which they mingle with everyone else is a

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Mubarak to all my dear friends, to my family and to this beautiful extended family of our blog. May this Eid brings to all of us the joy, health, peace & abundance. I am absolutely gracious to the Almighty, so proud of myself and thankful for the love which all of you have given me, as today it has been almost a year since I began this blog. In all these days I received nothing but your affections, and I hope that the bond which all of us developed via this medium continues to grow and prosper. Amen! So much happened in this one year, most of it has been wonderful and some of it not so wonderful; nevertheless, I am grateful for all the blessings, for those beautiful experiences, for meeting some of the most incredible people, and for not being able to meet some of the other incredible individuals; I am extremely humbled and grateful for my journey and for becoming a person which I am today. Though I am not a nostalgic person yet in this moment I am able to experienc

Splendours of Eid

Sunday evenings are usually dull in my part of the world so having no activity on my hand I decided to grace my terrace with my presence. Just standing there and observing the hustle and bustle on road one could finally realize that Eid is soon approaching. Street lights in their bloom, people traveling to and forth from shopping malls, tailors, their relatives; traffic in full swing; small vans passing with cows on them reaching for their destinations; shops on the main road buzzing with customers and most of them being window shoppers like yours truly. Ah! What a sight it is; it all feels so alive- something which has now become a rarity for us Karachites. Where ever in the world we go after enjoying few days in the alien country we become desperate to return to this pollution, our broken roads, voices of thaeen thaeen (gunshots distant in the background), total traffic chaos on the roads. If we are abroad and there is a news of terrorism at home, the first thing which come

Too much too soon

I guess it has been almost two weeks since I wrote my last post, but I cannot give any solid reason for my absence because I don’t understand it myself. The only and the best way I could put it is that my mind is not able to concentrate on any thought or idea and I am unable to put it in the words as to what has been going on with me. I am in a different phase of my life where my thirst for inner peace and pure joy takes precedence over my desire for any material gains where I am exploring new avenues.  So I sort of shifted my life on my inner self and followed everything religiously which is the standard procedure ranging from observing my mind to brutally murdering my ego, to meditations and excessive prayers; for past one and a half year things were actually fine. Then following my instincts I have lessened my efforts for my legal career and completely focused all my energies in learning how to heal. Albeit my healing form is much of faith healing and is known by the