Splendours of Eid

Sunday evenings are usually dull in my part of the world so having no activity on my hand I decided to grace my terrace with my presence. Just standing there and observing the hustle and bustle on road one could finally realize that Eid is soon approaching. Street lights in their bloom, people traveling to and forth from shopping malls, tailors, their relatives; traffic in full swing; small vans passing with cows on them reaching for their destinations; shops on the main road buzzing with customers and most of them being window shoppers like yours truly.

Ah! What a sight it is; it all feels so alive- something which has now become a rarity for us Karachites. Where ever in the world we go after enjoying few days in the alien country we become desperate to return to this pollution, our broken roads, voices of thaeen thaeen (gunshots distant in the background), total traffic chaos on the roads. If we are abroad and there is a news of terrorism at home, the first thing which comes to our mind like a reflex action is that “I need to go back home, to Pakistan ASAP!”.
Irrespective of the luxury and security we acquire in any of those beautiful countries, there is always an inexplicable desire to return to our roots.

If we try to explain any of the above it would be only a futile effort because nobody can ever explain love.

So in my love I say Good Night to you all.

Sonya. (Day 149)


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