Too much too soon

I guess it has been almost two weeks since I wrote my last post, but I cannot give any solid reason for my absence because I don’t understand it myself. The only and the best way I could put it is that my mind is not able to concentrate on any thought or idea and I am unable to put it in the words as to what has been going on with me.

I am in a different phase of my life where my thirst for inner peace and pure joy takes precedence over my desire for any material gains where I am exploring new avenues. 

So I sort of shifted my life on my inner self and followed everything religiously which is the standard procedure ranging from observing my mind to brutally murdering my ego, to meditations and excessive prayers; for past one and a half year things were actually fine.
Then following my instincts I have lessened my efforts for my legal career and completely focused all my energies in learning how to heal. Albeit my healing form is much of faith healing and is known by the name of alternative or complementary medicine.

At first I thought of meditations and Reiki merely as a child’s play because I didn’t experience the deeper side or spiritual aspects. I insisted my teachers to attune me for Reiki level two whereby I am able to send my Reiki’s healing energy to people anywhere in the world. To me it all appeared mystical, fun, I even romanticized these things; however, now as I am entering into deeper concepts nothing is really that fun.

It all requires patience and wisdom hence trying to achieve too much too soon is purely a foolish idea. I am beginning to realize that everything needs to happen in its due time, we need patience to let things take their natural course. The kind of self-exploration and mind refurbishing this dimension invokes is no walk in the park; and if not handled in the rightly manner it could be hazardous to our mind.

All I can say is that it is only wise to do anything in life one step at a time and don’t try to reach top in one big single leap.

Have a great Good Weekend!!!

With all my love…

Sonya. (Day 148)


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