After Eid and New Dimensions

Yesterday I was confident that I would write something but the moment I began writing nothing made sense so I decided to just chill and doze off in the comforts of my duvet.

Eid came and Eid went with the blink of an eye and so rapidly have all the holidays passed. With all the laziness and nothingness holidays bring I still believe that we do need to get back to the hustle and bustle of life, to the normalcy or whatever it would mean to us.

I had an Eid party at work today, it was real fun and everyone looked great, all dressed up and all. Its always nice to meet people at personal level rather than professionally. I for one love to meet people in their homes, they are always different in the comforts and security of their cocoon, their home. Even if you get to meet the people at work in some private function or wedding or dinner with their families around, you would always get the chance to witness their informal self and the easiness with which they mingle with everyone else is a delightful experience; especially the ladies with all their dressing and preparations look so beautiful and transformed.

My professional associations have also changed from legal to medicinal, like a transit flight where in order to reach our destinations we have to leave one aeroplane to ride on to another one. It might appear as unstable or confused to some of you yet it all makes perfect sense to me. When an entirely new building is built on a previous structure, the earlier one has to be demolished. Like wise in my life every thing which is somehow associated with my past, mainly negatively, is now falling apart and ultimately vanishing into thin air. Nevertheless, on the reality plane i.e. my three dimensional life there is absolute stillness which on several occasions confuses me yet I keep my faith and keep on moving.

I have just received this update on twitter from my favourite author Marianne Williamson, hence I share it with all of you “Inhabit the emptiness with complete surrender, and a miraculous something will emerge from the ethers of apparent nothingness.

As spooky as it may appear I guess God has just given me the guideline, I cannot label it as a coincidence because there are no coincidences, nothing happens by default and that there is always an order in what seems to be an apparent disorder.

So thank you Lord, for all Your Love and Guidance. I love you.

Sonya. (Day 149)


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