When I am all set to relax and enjoy a bit of TV, when everything seems to be in perfect shape, when there is a joy within, when life seems to full of beauty, when the sun is set and night is encroaching upon the day- suddenly there goes the power supply, in a second all that beauty of life that beckoning of evening enveloped in rest and leisure is now changed to rushing to close all main and heavy electrical appliances with a final touch of a humongous gurrrrrrr coming from the generator. It would be painful to imagine such an end to a beautiful evening.
With my immune system getting proper care, the kick is returning and everything is now better.
Last but not least thank you so much for all your concerns, prayers and all those lovely emails and messages wishing me to get well soon. Once again THANK YOU ALL...
All the dearest ones it is the time bid you all adieu. Good Night!
In my affections…
Sonya. (Day 147)