

Against my daily routine I switched on TV in morning and by chance landed on CNN where in their segment World Sports they showed a report on Karachi’s Liyari area. I had no idea that for years, Liyari has been producing world class boxers.   For a moment my eyes couldn’t believe what I just saw. I was pleasantly surprised. Children and young adults participating in boxing sports amidst of the unrest and disturbances which surrounds this locality. Those children and adults were funded to study and get trained on community basis with little or no support from either the public or private sector. Then there are also excellent football players belonging to the same area Liyari. Another pleasant surprise which came is my favorite Pakistani actress Reema getting married this month. I am truly happy for this lady she has worked hard to be where she is today. Although I don’t know her personally but I have seen her personality transformed over the years. The first movie which

Weight Insights (The first truth)

The first truth I always recommend allocating a certain time daily for meditation. Both meditation and prayers not only helps to silence the mind from its unnecessary activity but often provide some profound insights about yourself. Although most people often confuse meditation as an activity to get some extraordinary powers or limits it feasibility to relaxation. However, it goes far beyond then all these results and all one requires is to have an intention; intention to obtain peace and nothing more. There are many meditations available; however, whatever type leads you silencing of mind and ultimate peace is right for you. I have added another page to this blog where you can find all useful information about meditations and from my own experience how to have an intention. I mentioned my weight loss ambition few posts earlier and I am also working on it. The first thing about loosing weight in a healthy way is that one has to look into the daily food intake and if there a

1st & 2nd Eid Days

Finally Eid came after all the thrill and excitement from the neighboring kids. Half of the first day went in looking after the meat, its clean up and sharing. The clean up part at our house is the most exhaustive. Being the cleaning fanatics we invested more than half of our day in this grueling activity. Moreover, there was obsession to get everything done in one day. Yet I feel all is well that ends well. The next day was kept for meeting and for receiving and making calls to the dear ones who lived in the far regions. For sometime now I have been keen on sharing my love story; yes my love story. Well it began few months ago when one fine early morning I went in our terrace to get life energy for my bones via sun. There he was, sitting and as I saw him he immediately came and sat right next to me. We both looked at each other, for few moments I was confused and shy by his presence so close. I asked myself what is he doing here, how could he have this courage. Thou

Eid Mubarak!!!

Roaring traffic, animals bleating, and streets filled with people either buying animals for sacrifice or getting food items for this animal guest who shall be sacrificed on Eid. But first, a warm & blessed Eid Mubarak to all my dearest friends, family & my readers who have now become my extended family…… I needed to rest and recuperate; for a peaceful and focused mind yields purposeful words. It is strange these days to wake up with sounds of little children screaming at 7 pm excited to feed the animals which their family brought to sacrifice. Children and animals share such mysterious chemistry both are excited in the presence of each other.  Adults on the other hand try to hide their joy but they have the same child-like excitement beneath the facade of an adult. So what are my plans for this Eid well as always a peaceful family get together. When you have a limited circle of family and friends like me these days could become a little less glamorous. However, to se

Tasks at hand

For few days now I have an inkling that I should immediately save all the blog posts on my hard drive; although this is a mammoth task but I have to follow my instinctive feelings and start from somewhere. Almost all posts are saved in the computer but I am not sure of if I have edited versions of each post with me, so this process better start tonight. I have another task at hand and that is to loose at least 20 to 25 pounds weight. This task needs my immediate attention and dedication, and there is simply no room for laziness. Although exercise has been in my routine for long time but recently I have become inattentive to what I am eating. I do not eat large portions of meal but for few months my diet comprises of colas and fried chicken which is nothing except high calories, deep fried and highly starchy food. And I cannot even have the hormone imbalance excuse because the rule is simple you need to burn as much as you eat. In my case I am burning 1000 calories and my int

The Past

Thankfully to God that my friend whom I mentioned to be in distress few days ago has fortunately come out of her crisis safe and sound. It is a real joy for me to see everybody around me in joy. Today I had an opportunity to have a walk down memory lane. Although I hardly ever prefer to live in memories but sometimes I believe it is fine to reminiscence the past gaiety. If I look in the past, then most prominently my school days comes to mind. Please do not worry that now I would drag you all into my school days or describe every little detail. But lets give it a glance, shall we.  I did my matriculation from St. Patrick’s School however I spend my elementary and secondary school days at a fantasy school. I call it a fantasy school because it seemed to have appeared from a fairytale and when its work was completed it disappeared into the Neverland. I did my early schooling from New Horizons Public School, located at Nursery Area in Karachi. It was a school started by a

Day 232

The person who should have carefully read my earlier post “Health is wealth” was me; before writing the post I mentioned that I haven’t been feeling well. First it was sore throat then it was heavy flu. I didn’t feel any weakness so I carried on with my routines in fact exhausted myself beyond my capacity. So on Friday night I slept early and woke up on Saturday way longer than my usual routine. Thankfully I didn’t have to go anywhere so it was a long restful day. But by evening I again did some work which exhausted me even more. By night I thought I might probably collapse due to my overwhelming week both emotionally and physically. I think it was more due to the stress I was taking which ultimately took a toll on me. My immune system initially tried to alert me but I never bothered, I’m doing better now but still lack the kick. My commitment to the blog and the will to be amongst you supersedes all. Enough of me, now let’s switch to someone else. There is a lot o