

Yesterday we had to drop by our mechanic for a quick car check-up, the garage is adjacent to a Preschool/ Montessori, and I am always more than eager to visit there with the sole motive of meeting little babies. The lady who is the Principal at the school is my Mom’s patient so we are always welcome there.                 While the car was checked I was sitting in the school premises, within few minutes the school got off and I was surrounded by at least 100 little children. It felt as if I am sitting in a beautiful rose garden, except today the roses were smiling and playing with their little school bags.               There was a little girl I guess around five and she was giving me constant smiles. After a while she came to me and asked who I am and what am I doing in her school. Then she abruptly, without any hesitation, asked me to give her some money. I was a bit surprised at her frankness, and of course I said ‘No’.   However, she pleaded that she needs to eat the ma

Its all good!

Finally, finally I am here! I feel so happy to have the time to come and talk to you all. It was so disturbing that I was unable to be on the blog, it almost felt as if I could not breath.  Since we had a little bit of paint at home everything got upside down. There is one chore after another, day ends but the work does not. Although we did not do any major changes but once you get to cleaning so much comes out. By the time I got some free moments I was so exhausted that even looking at the computer tired me.    Today I thought come what may but I shall write. Blogging is one of the most comforting activities for me because it relaxes my mind. It is my outlet to say whatever I wish and if I have something positive to share then its all good.   It is a blessing to be with all of you who have stood by me for four years now. Yup I started this blog on December 2008 and it has been wonderful journey. Yesterday for some strange reason I stopped at a channel which was

Day 393

It is truly a phenomenon when ordinary people go through extraordinary experiences in life. There are things for which we have no rational explanation, they just exist. However, it is best that it all turns out to be in peace & joy for all involved. We struggled, ran from place to place in the city in search for a compact espresso coffee machine, finally we got it and at a bargain price. Nevertheless, it has a lot of work and preparation before you are able to get teeny coffee cup. I thought that in the time we had spent making two cups of coffee in machine I would have made ten cups of coffee on stove. Then again the luxury of having a good cup of cappuccino at home is worth the effort..   It has been a long and exciting day so much so that I cannot even think now. I had plans to write on serious issues but I if continued like this, I might doze off on the keyboard. By the way recently I have developed a strange love for Spanish music, I don’t know why, how and


Before anything I give my sincere thanks to Dr. Jabeen for all your love and wonderful healing/ reiki which you have sent my way. I received it and feeling thousand times better now. Thank you so much. I decided to treat myself luxuriously this evening, so I made myself a good cup of coffee with some shami kabab. It made me think that there is nothing more lavish then to have some time for yourself where you pamper yourself; maybe watch a good movie or read a good book, get a new hairstyle. It doesn’t have to expensive material goods just anything that makes you feel luxurious. All our lives we wait for someone or something to make us happy, to show us our true worth or beauty but what we don’t realize is that first we need to treat our self with compassion and respect; leaving behind all the attachments or expectations. Nobody wants to enter a unhappy room but people always love to join the party. So be the party. Luckily for me on cable they were showing Blue Stre

Day 391

Last few days on the political front in Pakistan had been crucial. Everyone was glued to their TV sets watching anxiously the future of the long march which took the country by storm. We have to admit that as a nation our people have shown their moral strength, discipline to achieve a common goal. Freezing temperature and little children, ladies, gents and elders were sitting with all the patience. It was remarkable to see this side of the picture. Nevertheless, I feel that the true test of this long march will be at and during the elections. All we have to do as a country is to watch everything with our fingers crossed. Yesterday I had a wonderful experience with painting. Like many painters I always worked with oil paints and thought that they were my destiny but yesterday it was a new beginning. I experimented with acrylic paints and they are pure magic.  With oils you need high maintenance and a lot of patience with the constant smell of turpentine and kerosen

A Golden Affair

What a hectic last week I had, so many things had to be managed which were pending for some time now.               Although you move on with life with the best positive attitude but the conditions in the country have their effect. The worse thing which you feel is being helpless- just standing there numbly. Only and if only our Government show some seriousness, a bit dedication things can come under control.              Everybody in power is busy with their own golden affairs giving it a damn to the public, their lives and their dignity. Human life is cheaper than a vegetable. The worse part of the situation is that we have become insensitive, immune to this misery. Loss of precious human lives have been reduced to the number count in the breaking news.               It is said that the rulers of any nation are the reflection of its people. If there is any truth to this adage then we as a nation need to take a good look at ourselves. What are we doing wrong that we ar

Security Alarm

Yesterday evening as I was preparing to write the blog suddenly I heard some movement downstairs, within minutes I was told that some thieves have entered our neighbour’s home. There were security alarms, guards and on-time police. It appeared like a movie scene, police were on the roof with flashlights and announcements to surrender. Thankfully, thankfully nothing happened and thieves ran off without causing any trouble most probably due to the high-tech alarm systems. What has happened to Karachi, anyone you meet these days have their own robbery or mobile snatching tale. You buy a new expensive phone and you are afraid to take it outside your house. Not long ago car theft or mobile snatching was unheard of in Karachi. Ladies would wear their gold ornaments without any fear and now even the brides wear artificial jewelry on their wedding day. So much has changed today, however, if that time didn’t last then I have faith that this time shall also pass. Nothing