Day 393

It is truly a phenomenon when ordinary people go through extraordinary experiences in life. There are things for which we have no rational explanation, they just exist. However, it is best that it all turns out to be in peace & joy for all involved.

We struggled, ran from place to place in the city in search for a compact espresso coffee machine, finally we got it and at a bargain price. Nevertheless, it has a lot of work and preparation before you are able to get teeny coffee cup. I thought that in the time we had spent making two cups of coffee in machine I would have made ten cups of coffee on stove. Then again the luxury of having a good cup of cappuccino at home is worth the effort..  

It has been a long and exciting day so much so that I cannot even think now. I had plans to write on serious issues but I if continued like this, I might doze off on the keyboard.

By the way recently I have developed a strange love for Spanish music, I don’t know why, how and when it started but I feel it. Although I am very fond of filmi music but sometimes to change the flavour you listen to something different.The blogger has issues to upload audio files but may be tomorrow I shall upload the piece I heard recently.

Until we meet again, Good Night & Sweet Dreams… 

Sonya. (Day 393)


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