
Yesterday we had to drop by our mechanic for a quick car check-up, the garage is adjacent to a Preschool/ Montessori, and I am always more than eager to visit there with the sole motive of meeting little babies. The lady who is the Principal at the school is my Mom’s patient so we are always welcome there.  

            While the car was checked I was sitting in the school premises, within few minutes the school got off and I was surrounded by at least 100 little children. It felt as if I am sitting in a beautiful rose garden, except today the roses were smiling and playing with their little school bags. 

            There was a little girl I guess around five and she was giving me constant smiles. After a while she came to me and asked who I am and what am I doing in her school. Then she abruptly, without any hesitation, asked me to give her some money. I was a bit surprised at her frankness, and of course I said ‘No’.  However, she pleaded that she needs to eat the makkai (sort of a grilled maize/ corn) that is sold outside the school.  

             And I gave in; she took ten rupees from me and had a party of makkai with her friends.   By the way, Makkai is an extremely popular snack with children and adults alike.

            However, amongst all those lovely faces there is a face- the face of a little boy which is stuck in my mind. He is three and has the softest skin, shiniest eyes and tiny little hands and feet. He was holding hands of his principal and they both were waiting for his van.

            The principal introduced him to us, she told us that I cannot allow him to go in his class because he beats up his classmates. She said, ‘you know when I asked him why do you beat other children’. The little boy replied to her, ‘my father beats me so I will beat everyone else’. 

            He is only 3, cannot even speak full sentences and he has so much anger building up inside him. I am trying to understand the result of this emotional as well as the physical abuse he is gong to have on his soul. Childhood events define who we are going to be as adults.  

            Its been more than 24 hours since I last him; however, there is not a second for which I forgot his face. 

            I am angry and ashamed at my helplessness.....

 Sonya. (Day 395)


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