Security Alarm
evening as I was preparing to write the blog suddenly I heard some movement
downstairs, within minutes I was told that some thieves have entered our
neighbour’s home. There were security alarms, guards and on-time police. It appeared like a movie scene, police were on the
roof with flashlights and announcements to surrender.
thankfully nothing happened and thieves ran off without causing any trouble
most probably due to the high-tech alarm systems.
What has happened
to Karachi,
anyone you meet these days have their own robbery or mobile snatching tale. You
buy a new expensive phone and you are afraid to take it outside your house.
Not long ago car
theft or mobile snatching was unheard of in Karachi. Ladies would wear their gold ornaments
without any fear and now even the brides wear artificial jewelry on their
wedding day.
So much has
changed today, however, if that time didn’t last then I have faith that this
time shall also pass. Nothing ever stays the same- it changes, it transforms
into betterment. Change is the only constant.
Anything which
gets to its extreme automatically subsides, that is the rule of nature. And
this is not my hope but my definite belief.
Much affections.
Sonya. (Day 389)