
Before anything I give my sincere thanks to Dr. Jabeen for all your love and wonderful healing/ reiki which you have sent my way. I received it and feeling thousand times better now. Thank you so much.

I decided to treat myself luxuriously this evening, so I made myself a good cup of coffee with some shami kabab. It made me think that there is nothing more lavish then to have some time for yourself where you pamper yourself; maybe watch a good movie or read a good book, get a new hairstyle. It doesn’t have to expensive material goods just anything that makes you feel luxurious.

All our lives we wait for someone or something to make us happy, to show us our true worth or beauty but what we don’t realize is that first we need to treat our self with compassion and respect; leaving behind all the attachments or expectations. Nobody wants to enter a unhappy room but people always love to join the party. So be the party.

Luckily for me on cable they were showing Blue Streak starring Martin Lawrence, a good comedy with my favorite actor. His films are mostly comedies or comedy thrillers and are absolutely fun to watch.

Talking of my favorite actor yesterday they showed Julia Roberts Eat, Pray, Love. She is my love and I am crazy about her films. To date she is my most favorite actress. Actually I liked the idea of Eat, Pray, Love because at the end really this is what’s important.

Then to add the final touch to my luxury, today after 12 years I got my dressing table. It wasn’t that I couldn’t get it; rather it was that I did not know what I needed. Yes it took most of my life to learn what I actually want, to have the awareness.

I shall take your leave now. Good Evening!

Sonya. (Day 392)


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