A Very Happy New Year

May we all have a blessed, prosperous and safe 2013. I wanted to begin this year’s post with something special and today I saw it. For me, I believe that this is the most wonderful gift to begin our new year with. We all make resolutions every year then by the mid of it we forget about them. So here’s something new by the young family member Aleyna Ambreen Syed, she has designed memory jars for 2013.

        This is how it works in her own words “So this is our first memory jar. Every time something good happens to you this year- it does not matter if it is just a little thing, if it makes you happy - write on a piece of paper and put it into the jar. On the last day of 2013, empty your jar, and see how many great things happened to you! Happy New Years everybody ♥

I am so moved and inspired by her idea that I am getting myself a jar tomorrow and decorating it. What this young lady doesn’t know that she is actually tapping into a wonderful dimension. You see we live in a universe which is operated by definite laws; law of gravity, law of physics, etc. In fact these are the very laws of nature which helps pilots to fly aeroplanes, for scientists to make discoveries, for us to use all our tablets and mobiles.

     Amongst these laws there is one crucial law, the Law of Attraction or the Law of Cause and Effect. Sir Isaac Newton explained it to us “to every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction”. Some also explain this law as what a man reaps is what he sows.

     There must have been those days in your life when you wake up in the morning and something slightly unpleasant happens, like you spill your tea on the table or on your shirt and you get into a really bad mood. The next thing you know that something more irritating happens within the next hour and then the cycle of little accidents/ negative things continue the entire day.

   What happened was, we due to our bad mood attracted more bad things. To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. 

    Our thoughts and our emotions all have energy and if we focus on something with all our attention whether good or bad, we attract it to us.

    Now we can make fun of it or try to ignore this but the reality is that, there is inevitable truth in it.

     So when we write something down which has made us happy and we are truly grateful for, then by the law of attraction we are going to attract more things, situations and people to be grateful and happy for. To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. 

      After I read the book The Magic- by Rhonda Byrne it has phenomenally changed me and my life. Since reading it I have kept my Gratitude Diary. Every day I write ten things in it for which I am truly grateful for. As I began to work with gratitude I noticed millions of blessings which I easily took for granted.

         I am grateful to have a house (it protects me from the weather); to have water (it satisfies my thirst, nourishes the body); to have food when I feel hungry (try to live on an empty stomach & your brain stops to functions properly, your body slows down); for my eyes (blindfold yourself and try to do any work); for my hands (I can drive, eat, drink); perfectly working cells and tissues (one day with flu and you are bedridden).

      Gratitude really wakes you up and makes you see what you easily ignore. So this year I plan to be grateful as much as it is humanly possible. This Memory Jar is a sweet but profound effort. Share it with your friends, family.

 With many best wishes for all the years to come.

Sonya. (Day 385)


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