Finally the weekend..

I don’t know what keeps on happening to my post today, I have been trying published it for the last 3 hours, either it’s the wifi connection or something is not well with my PC because I loose my post while on its way to the blog.

Last time when I wrote the post, like million other Pakistanis I was hopeful and excited for Pak-India Semi-Final and today I feel depressed and lethargic. Due to some strange cosmic connection which we all share, I can fully feel the sadness of everybody around me; when I am not even a cricket fan. However, time is a wonderful healer hence we are almost recovered.

At last, after a long interval I got appointment for my haircut on Tuesday and I am a little apprehensive of how my hairstylist would react to my hair color. I have gone a little creative and did a thing or two on my own, however whatever I did is far better then having orange and pink highlights in my hair; which by the way were my initial plans. I can understand this is a bit of unusual piece of information to share but what else to do this is a part of my life, you have to share the entire package.

But before that there are probable plans of attending a theatre play on Saturday, the only hindrance is that the play is serious in its content and I only prefer to watch comedies. With so much drama going around in our lives one need to lighten up a bit and go for some relaxing choices. I have attended few theaters plays and I must say that it has always been pure entertainment. The last play I saw was “Wakeel Saheb”, a comic satire on the personal life of a lawyer and it was surprising to see that beside me quite a few lawyers came to watch the play. I guess the play title attracted the legal fraternity.

What you watch on TV or big screens is nothing compared to live performances; you get to experience the very essence of drama in a completely different manner.

My favorite one to date was a play directed by veteran actress/ director late Yasmeen Ismail and Marina Khan was the star attraction of it. It was an adaptation from a Hollywood Classic movie starring Betty Devis and Marina Khan played her role. It was laughing ride from the start to the end.

After the show somehow I managed to go backstage to have autographs and pictures with Marina Khan and other actors, a lady who was probably a close friend of Yasmeen Ismail was complaining to Yasmeen for not calling her in a while. To which Yasmeen Ismail humbly replied, “yaar I am so sorry for not calling you, I had problems at home. Last week my car was stolen, then there was a dacoity at home; and then 2 days ago there was a short circuit and my house was badly burnt. Plus my children are having their final exams; I am just so caught up in life.”

As I was listening to this conversation, I just stood still there looking at that incredible lady in awe. She went through all that havoc in her personal life yet she managed to direct and execute such a beautiful comedy play only for the entertainment of others.
Moreover earnings from these plays are so meager that they hardly cover the cost of the auditorium, props and costumes. Most of the theater artists work free of cost merely to satisfy their creativity.

It is commendable how these artists handle their personal issues, then put on make up and do their act.

P.S. I thank our dear reader for pointing out that I should have a bookmarking link; I was thinking about putting one but couldn’t get around to it. As suggested, the bookmark link is now accessible right above the post title. As for your $ 0.2, I am indebted to you.

Have a great weekend dear ones & be safe…

With my affections.

Sonya. (Day 187)


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