
There was a time not too long ago when the Maghrib time or sunset used depress me. I could never understand why people go to beach to enjoy those last moments of the twilight. Nevertheless, today for no particular reason I went to the balcony and was mesmerized by how beautiful and full of life everyone and everything appeared during this time.

Twilight sky had such beautiful shades of light and dark blue, orange street lights were shining and brightening up all around them. People are returning from work and mosques, children are going home from tuitions, shops have brightened lights to attract customers. I just stood their in awe of what I was seeing; with all the chaos on the roads I felt a certain silence and peace in the background. The trees, plants, the sky also stood as a part of that silence. Suddenly I was aware of life all around me which I was never before.

Today the sunset rather than despairing me gave me solace and urged me to be in awareness of what I have; as if it was telling me that today went good and so I must have hope for an amazing tomorrow.

In that moment I had no fear no anxiety, I just felt present and aware with all my senses; and then an Indian Cuckoo called from a distance as if it was affirming what I felt.

Lots of love…

Sonya. (Day 190)


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