Day 352

Start a huge,  foolish project  like Noahit makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.Moulana Rumi

Its on few occasions that I drove in rain let alone thunderstorm but today it was one such day. Although it was not a very long drive, however I was nervous. Nervous not because I doubt my driving skills but the way traffic goes ballistic and we have hours long traffic jams.

Roads were thankfully clear but everybody was in panic even if they were few minutes away from home. Then there were our beloved motorcyclists who would appear suddenly from nowhere right in front of the fast moving car. These rash bikers are not only teenagers but I have seen adults and people with their wives and little children driving frantically.

All I can do is pray that they all get some sense and do not become a threat for themselves or for anyone else on the road.
Whatever may be state of affairs with the weather one thing is for sure and that it was all very beautiful. No, I wouldn’t bore you with my ramblings about how much I love rains.

Now I shall take your leave but I leave you all with the new chapter of Sheherzad and the Lumberjack. Do check it out.


Sonya. (Day 352)


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