All the world's a stage

Before we get on with the main post I would address few queries regarding first chapter of the story which I published yesterday.

Dear reader, if you would notice when Akev narrated the story he began by saying that Sheherzad was known for her beauty. You see it was quite common in earlier times that Queens became famous for their beauty or wisdom or both, and their fame was not limited to their country but it extended throughout the world, without any media. In fact in those days many wars were fought just to marry a beautiful queen.

Cleopatra was and still famous for her beauty, Queen of Sheeba (Queen Bilqis) became renowned in her times for wisdom & Mughal Empress Nur Jehan was recognized for her ability to rule. Then there was Lakshmi Bai, the Rani of Jhansi who was famous for her courage and rebel against the British Raj. History is full of such examples. 

Likewise our Arhan was also aware of the beauty of Sheherzad as was everybody in the Kingdom of Prussia and beyond. Secondly, this is a short story so you wouldn’t be able to find long chapters. I would publish them weekly.

This morning I switched on the radio and there was an interview of a director who produced theater plays. The director quite aptly said that as films go down, theater also declines. Theater is one of my favorite forms of entertainment and I feel sad because this form of art is not flourishing as it should have been.

I was first introduced to theater when I was 6 or 7 years old, my father took me to watch a comedy play that starred veteran TV and film actors. Throughout the play we laughed and I still remember a line from the song in the play.

Then after a gap of million years I watched second comedy play of my life that was directed by late Yasmin Ismail and Marina Khan acted in it. And my goodness it was hilarious, at that time I thought may be one day once in my life I would also act in a first-class theater play. 

I have seen many plays and most of them are comedies and I absolutely believe that theater is a great entertainment. To see live performances and the immediate audience response is simply amazing. Famous actors and celebrities should also become a part of theater plays for pulling general public. 

Thankfully corporates’ are paying attention, now they have sponsors but it still needs our collective encouragement.

Good Evening my friends…

Sonya  (Day 351)

*Title Courtesy: Monologue from William Shakespeare's 'As You Like It'.


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