Friends and beyond…..

Many thanks to my friends and all of you for your warm comments and sharing your beautiful moments with us.

Friends, I believe is one such topic which always strikes some deep chord of our hearts. I always cherish friendship because this is the relationship which we make ourselves and sometimes it lasts for a life time.

There have been moments, some tough times in my life and had there not been the support of my friends it would have been difficult for me to make it through. So I owe a lot to my family and friends for putting up with me.

These days for one reason or the other I am spending my time mostly with teenagers or young adults who are entering into 20’s. Either we take boys or girls I see most of them in depression or in some unknown anxiety. Some concern about their financial situation while others worry about their career and studies. Reason could be many but their feelings are almost the same, that they don’t feel good.

I do my best to befriend and convince them that we all go through such times but ultimately we all make it. However, even with all my positive attitude I am deeply concerned about them. I wonder whether its our economic state that is making them so vulnerable or is there is another source to this issue.

Whatever the reason might be, we as adults who have made till now need to give our 100% support to every child whom we meet.

I think just listening to them, without any judgement or criticism helps a lot. In the end we all just want to be heard.

Sonya. (Day 348)


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