Day 354 & Third Chapter

Thank God the blog is accessible once again. Really it felt as if I couldn’t breathe. Even though I don’t write every day yet the very thought of loosing my posts almost took my breath away, literally.   

Today I am writing very first post with my eye-glasses, it feels kinda funny. I like my new glasses and thankful that they fit properly but they are a strange creature. It’s like finding your first-love, initially there are hesitations but then closeness evolves.

First there was a long search to find the right frame, most of the specs looked great but they fitted badly.

Some shopkeepers were reserved, gave minimum opinions but some of them started to admire every glass which I wore. ‘This suits you the most’, ‘that is the perfect frame’; I appreciate their good salesmanship but few decisions are made without any sweet-talk.   
Then came the lenses stage which is the most crucial one. Eye numbers are minimal but we had to focus on the light reflection aspect because that is the issue we had to address primarily.

By the bye the final chapter of Sheherzad and the Lumberjack is published, do read it. We’ll talk about it in my new post.

Much love…

Sonya. (Day 354)


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