Election Selection

These days fortunately we are in the process of deciding our care taker Prime Minister, many names and recommendations are coming forth in this concern. 

I believe this would be the first time in the history of Pakistan that we are actually seeing our democracy alive through out its tenure, which is now transferring its power to a selected group of individuals who would not only look after the elections but shall bestow power to the freshly elected people.

For these five years of democracy, we as a nation have paid a very heavy price. Many of our innocent citizens felt prey to terrorism and many have their lost livelihoods because economy has gone from bad to worse.  I believe these five years were the darkest years of our history when bombs have become a synonym to Pakistan.

However, the good part is that we learned and we grew, at least I hope so. We now have seen very clearly as to how our choices have effected us and also our next generations. I hope that now we choose wisely and select the most deserving people who are not only capable of putting us back on track but also competent to establish us as worthwhile citizens of the world. 

Having said that we too need to take a good look at ourselves- at our little dishonesties, at our corruption and at our weaknesses. We need to accept that in order to see the change outside ourselves we need to first change from within. 

Nobody has the magic wand to change our condition overnight but it is only us. It is only when we would start to respect law the law would respect us in return. Remember the Newton’s Law ‘to every action there is always an equal & opposite reaction.’

Lots of best wishes…

Sonya Syed. (Day 399)


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