Queen with 29.99

I think it was the day before yesterday when on Sky News channel they showed a picture of the Queen of England entertaining her royal guests; in the background there was a fire place where instead of real fire the Queen used two-bar electric fire worth £29.99.

They said that the Palace is really serious on cost cutting, so much so that the sometimes the Queen doesn’t even switch on the electric heater rather she simply wears another sweater to keep warm. 


I mean this stuff is serious, it is February and that too in England. Winter is in its full bloom and the Queen of England is living in such economic conscious state. England was the country which once single-handedly ruled not only us but half of the world and today Her rulers face such economic downfall. 

If anyone has watched the William Kate wedding then you would get an idea that Royal family really cut down so much of the costs. The guests of Royal wedding attended the Church in small vans, and it was only the Queen who went in the Rolls Royce.    

What can you say to all this, it is both funny and sad at the same time. However, we have such an enormous lesson to learn from Queen’s example. I know this might sound like fantasy but what if someday our rulers too become cautious in terms of their expenses. I cannot even imagine what we can achieve as a nation and where we could go in the world. 

But then I think why should we wait for others to show us the way when we can start to practice simplicity right from our homes.  

A very Good Evening!

Sonya Syed. (Day 400)


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