What can I say?

I so much wanted to write about the sad incident which took place in Karachi yesterday where another beautiful life was taken away; however, no words could express the true feelings so I better not touch on the subject and move on to something else, something peaceful.

But then I ask myself where would I go to find peace. The clue is that it cannot be found anywhere because it lies within us, beyond the mental chaos and the rushing of life.

Childhood is such an amazing time when everything was so simple and made perfect sense, and stories always ended with happily ever after. I wish we could once again live in the world where unnecessary complications of life are not present, when 2+2 is always 4 and not 5 or 0. Where everyone lives in peace and harmony and where we are honest with ourselves.

Yet with all the practicality and realities of life, I choose to go into positive denial. I choose to look for peace. I choose to believe in honesty. I choose to believe in justice. I choose love, peace and joy for myself and for everyone else. And so it shall be Amen!

May the joy be with you.

Sonya Syed. (Day 426)


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