Mission (Is) Possible

I cannot believe as to how many times I have deleted and re-written this post, nothing worth mentioning was coming to mind. However, today I feel that I am in much better state so let’s begin.

Today is a very important day for Pakistan in many respects, first it is the death anniversary Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. A great leader, extraordinary lawyer and a politician- who gave us the vision, strength and the motivation to have a beautiful country Pakistan. Although I am not sure as to what extent, we as a nation have been able to take care of this precious gift.

When I think of those hundreds of thousands of people who gave their lives, their wealth, their children and innumerable sacrifices so that today we can live as an independent nation with dignity and pride- I feel ashamed. Where we have come today from that passionate spirit to poverty & misery.

When we talk about Quaid-e-Azam we all wish that it would have been a blessing for if he could have lived a few more years after the birth of Pakistan. A few more years of Quaid with us and the domestic as well as international politics and its impact on the development of Pakistan might have been handled far more wisely.

The harsh reality is that you cannot change the past, however, we can affect the future. Mistakes are an inevitable part of human life yet it is important that you learn from your mistakes. What you have done in the past can always be fixed in the present in order to have a great future.

Native Americans believed that whenever there is a poison found in the forest, its antidote is always available only a few steps ahead. Likewise all the solutions can be found within the problems, its just that we need to look carefully.  

Have a blessed day.

Sonya Syed. (Day 447)


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