Day 483…past the Day 482 dilemma..

This is a new chapter, a new beginning. It feels right, it feels anew. How many times have we realized that every morning we wake up, there is a gift of new day?

Yes life is not perfect, yes sometimes the more you try to fix things they mess up, yes the sun is not always shining in the sky, yes there are going to be screw ups. 

However, if you are alive today then it is sure sign that God has blessed us with a new opportunity. A new chance, a fresh start, bursting with the possibilities of miracles and magic.

    Going through many emotional roller coaster rides in my life, I have realized that I need to be anchored from within, in my core. Irrespective of the challenges life throws at us, we need to be focused on few things:
      §    Take a deep breath…. three, four or five breaths would also be great.. 

§     Whatever it is, it will pass. Everything is energy, so our lives and everyone and everything in it are also energy forms. And energy is always changing.. 

§   All situations negative or positive come to us by the will and Grace of God. 

§   Every negative situation we face is there to tell us something. It is informing us to wake up, to atone for our mistakes, to forgive, to heal, to let it go, to face whatever we are hiding ourselves from, to learn, to teach, and above all to be extremely Grateful for all that we have been given. 

§     Shift your energy focus from the bad, the sad, the miserable- to the good, to the joy and to blessings. 

And heartfelt Gratitude is the shortest, quickest way to shift your energy frequency from negative to positive. 

§    In tough times, looking up to humans for help is a pure wastage of time. Since all good and not-so-good comes only through the sanction of God, the main Source of all.  So it is better to connect with the Source, with the Root instead of begging the mortal and weak branches. 

§    Once we get online with the Source, then that Magnificent Source immediately connects us to all the right people and circumstances.    

I believe this is the essence of my life. It is not always easy to follow the above guidelines, but if we practice in good times, then these will become user-friendly in not-so-good times. I guarantee.

Much love…

Sonya Syed. (Grateful to reach Day 483).


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