ایک سلام
ایک سلام ان تمام شہدا کے نام جنہوں نے اپنے ملک کی بقا اور وقار کے لیے جام شہادت نوش کیا - الفاظ ختم ہو گئے آنکھیں نعم ہوگیئں
....وہ غازی جنہوں نے زخم کھاے الله ان کو جلد صحت یاب کرے
الله ہم سب پر اپنا رحم فرماے اور ہمارے ملک کو اس مشکل وقت سے با حفاظت نکالے-
بیشک وہ ہر چیز پے خدرت رکھتا ہے
A Salute, a standing
Ovation to all the brave men of our Armed forces who became Martyrs and Ghazis.
The one who gave their lives for protecting us nothing can replace them, either
in their families or in this country.
These and many other names
die in the line of duty, a duty to protect us. To us they are only names but to
their families, they were living beings, their beloved sons, brothers, fathers
and husbands.
I know this is not
pleasant and that is exactly why I have done it. I want all of us to be
uncomfortable. I want you and me to take this country very seriously.
What is
the real worth of these lives? Do we really respect them?
There is not much for
me to say here, except....................................
پاکستان زندہ آباد Sonya Syed, (Day 545).