Eid Mubarak!!!!

I am truly and humbly grateful to Allah for blessing me every day with a gift of new life, a new opportunity, a fresh start, to be able to breathe in this body for another day and to experience the life around me.
Life is quite similar to biryani, it is a combination of different flavours and ingredients- some are light while others are strong, some are salty while others have savouriness. When all these different flavours combine a delicious dish of life is prepared.
This Eid has been very special for me in many ways, first I met my childhood friend after ages and second is celebrating Eid with my other friend and there is one more who is always in my heart. Each of them is unique in her own way and I am the connecting thread.
Where this Eid has brought joy and peace, one cannot either forget  or underestimate the loss of our Muslim brothers and sisters who lost their lives in two tragedies during Hajj this year. Neither can we forget the sacrifice our armed forces have made in saving us and their beloved country.
Like I said, life is a combination of all these ups and downs- highs and lows. The trick to survive is to only focus on the good and positivity that we have today; this is the only way we can attract more goodness and positivity.
Some argue that they do not have anything positive in their life to be grateful for or focus on. To them my response is, be grateful for the fact that you are alive and breathing- be grateful for the sky, the wind, birds. And the most handy survival tip is to be grateful for others who have all the things which you have desired.
This past few months have redefined my existence, what I believe in, what I deserve and what I desire...
My teacher Dr. Jabeen was telling since the last four years to meditate regularly but I was not disciplined enough to follow through. I did mediate but it was disorganized and irregular. Then strangely, few months ago I began to see that wherever I turned someone was talking about their morning rituals which included thanking God to be alive followed by a brief session of meditation.
I firmly believe that when something is coming to your knowledge from so many different sources, then it is a sign from God. Of course, whenever God wants to tell us anything He will not send Angel Jibra'il عليه السلام (Angel Gabriel) holding a banner of our name with the message printed on it. Rather our messages and signs reach out to us by way of different things and people around us; and it happens in a way that they will take our attention.
For instance we would overhear a conversation where a word is mentioned that has meaning for us, or we will see something on a signboard or on TV that will get our attention. It will be only us who would know what that particular sign means. That’s our cue from God, but one has be to present and in complete awareness in order to witness and understand the message.
Anyways, I heard and saw only two messages: 1) when you wake up be sincerely thankful to God for giving you another day, another chance to be alive. 2) Immediately meditate on waking up in morning.
So following the signs I decided that immediately after waking up I would first  recite my duas and then meditate for 5-6 minutes before even leaving my room in morning.
Consequently, this organized and disciplined routine in morning has made me more focused on life, what is important and what matters. I make good choices, I feel stable and confident, I feel present and very close to nature, birds twittering, winds blowing, flowers blossoming.
Today I only focus on memories, people and situations which are productive for me, that help me to become a best version of myself. Everything else is thrown out of mind- because everything else is simply clutter. Clutter that takes up important space of mind and energy; the space which should be in fact, allotted to positivity, love and knowledge.    
And tomorrow is Monday.. so make most of what you have now.
Eid Mubarak!
Sonya Syed (Day 547).


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