Raj or Qutubuddin?

There is something I wanted to clear about my earlier post ‘jab we met’. In the end of the post I mentioned that I wanted to get on euro train to find my Raj. I have received emails from few of female readers who told me that they are also waiting for Raj to come into their lives, so they can live happily after.
I am sorry girls but I have to break it to you, please understand that there is no such thing as Raj- Raj do not exist. Raj and many other characters like him are only in the imagination of a creative director, amazing script and brilliant acting. Do not believe these filmy things, they are only for our entertainment.
I remember once Shah Rukh Khan was asked in an interview about the success of his legendary romantic pair with Kajol, and the reason behind the series of flop romantic films starring Kajol and her real life husband Ajay Devgan.
Shah Rukh responded, ‘camera can only capture acting, it does not have the ability to capture reality- Kajol and Ajay are real whereas me and Kajol are only acting’.
This coming directly from Raj aka Shah Rukh clarifies everything brilliantly.
Whoever understands and respect you, is willing to take care of you, and is sincere with you then that my friend is your Raj.
Cinderella and similar fairy tales have done more harm than be of any help to any one of us. There is a reason why they are called Fairy Tales.
Real people are not perfect- his hair might be falling and within couple of years he will be semi or full bald, or there might be dandruff in his hair, or his socks might stink so much that they can be used to give anaesthesia.
He might have a habit of leaving dirty socks and wet towel right in the middle of the room. And you my friend have to pick them up and give for cleaning or might have to wash yourself.
So you see, it is all about making adjustments, yes that is more proper because I don’t like the word ‘compromise’. Compromise feels depressing. Adjustments have to be made here and there, along with understanding, forgiveness and compassion.
Love is a deceptive term, it has been used so many times in movies and stories that it has lost its true essence so I am replacing love with compassion.  
Rather than running after some unreal images and impossible to achieve ideals, live in the reality of people because none of us is a perfect package.
We all have our strengths and shortcomings, if he is not perfect or ideal than my dearest friend neither are we perfect or ideal.
Most importantly, in any relationship it is not only ‘what am I getting from the other’. It is also ‘what am I giving to the other person?’
You certainly cannot expect to receive love, appreciation, respect, understanding, kindness, sincerity when you are not willing to give any of it to the other person. Remember ‘to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction’.
With all my best wishes and prayers...
Sonya Syed (Day 548).


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