
Power of Thought

I wonder what would become of my sleep tonight; I made myself a cup of cold black coffee with no particular reason just felt like doing it. Now mind is wondering in infinity and there is nothing to think and nothing to talk about. I am quite amazed at my mind’s working because some ancient thoughts which I assumed to have been quiescent are suddenly active but thankfully are not causing me any trouble or agony. I want to stay with them for a little while however knowing what I know about thoughts and the power they unleash I prefer not to dwell with them anymore. Beyond our bony skeleton, our blood, the tissues and cells we are made up of electron, neurons and atom which forms our basis; and atom is pure energy. Every human being is manufactured with the same energy quotient even the non-living things that are apparently solid like a table or a chair are also made up of these energy elements. Similarly our thoughts also possess energy and emanate a certain frequency every single mome

Triangular Relationships

So many a times we exhaust ourselves worrying over trivial things which ultimately dissolves on their own and are not so significant either. I have been trying for quite some time now to add some kind of background music to the blog. Film music have destroyed our sense of peace and calm but at the same time background music if selected intelligently could take any scene to a different level but I don’t know how much of this is applicable in the case of our blog. I haven’t uploaded anything yet and I’m not even sure whether it would please or produce an unpleasant effect on you guyz. There was a time when I as a student couldn’t study without some Indian number playing in the room but in later years as the studies became more analytical music became an impediment while concentrating so this habit was given up. We had to go together so I went with Amma to her clinic and as I was sitting in the waiting area there was a 4 year old crying continuously and his father was trying to console

Day 74

There is a strong inclination to move to the comforts of sleep, the day started earlier than it usually does and so the brain is requesting me to let it get some rest. To add more severity to the condition I’m extremely hungry that I can even eat a house. So dearies excuse me tonight for I am not in my alert senses but I leave you with a promise to return with something worthwhile, Insha’Allah. Love & Good night. Sonya.

Present Moment & Surrendering

Tomorrow would be a long day so many things that were pending for months would be taken care of and I sincerely pray that all efforts would be worth it. Humidity in Karachi throughout the day is taking its toll especially when companioned with frequent electric shutdowns but nights are beautiful with moonlight glimmering throughout the sky. With almost negligible traffic outside one could easily be lost in the stillness inhibiting in night. Ahh the almost full moon is enchantingly magnificent and what more could one ask from life. I thought if given a choice where would like to be this summer and the reply came as abruptly as the reflex system works, of course Thames in London Eiffel-Tower in Paris Gondola rides in Venice and picturesque Geneva are the beautiful places that I want to be. But then I thought that I don’t want to be where I am Now in this very moment I want to escape, escape from the heat and probably the crazy times in which live today in our country. Its one thing to

Back to Basics

Karachi’s heat has now transmuted itself into muddy winds, no matter how hard we clean the dust still dwells in every possible corner. Life was so simple before blackberrys’, net, social sites came into our lives. Since their arrival we have conveniently replaced them with the full use of our mental faculties. Nobody has to remember important dates anymore every appointment or schedule is now on our cellular and we highly prefer to save contacts on websites. We have become so dependent on them that even a feeble thought of loosing them fills us up with panic and anxiety. Regardless of the gizmos that I might get in future I have decided to go back to the basics and so a proper old fashioned diary with contacts therein shall become my girlfriend from now on. No more sole relying on things that I cannot control. Twitter is addictive although I’m not entirely aware of its etiquettes but I enjoy twitting. Its short it’s simple and very quick. Almost entire day is gone in finding emails

Ruination of Performing Arts

Before beginning we all must say prayers for dissipating of the natural disaster in Hunza valley and that all settles with peace and betterment for everyone not only there but throughout our country. I was watching a show hosted by our veteran actor Nadeem on PTV, his guest was Anwar Rafi a popular singer of 1990’s, he sung some really memorable songs. It is such a tragedy to witness great artists with huge potential and talent living in anonymity even with so much media development and channels’ coming in art is getting obscure rapidly. It is unfortunate for us as a country to not have any film industry, with so talented many actors, technicians, musicians there is not a single platform to fully exploit their potential. Even under these grim circumstances there is a division within the show business and one group is based in Lahore and the other in Karachi, even our fashion industry after going through so many dilemmas has two separate fashion councils for Lahore & Karachi. Al

Day 70

I don’t believe it could happen to me but it did, my blog for today has vanished mysteriously. So much effort went to it and now all is lost, what a shame! Earlier when I was writing it was 6 pm and I was sitting at our terrace with cool breeze tantalizing the face, and the visual of flowers was soothing to the eyes. I could have stayed there for eternity being lost in nature, not thinking instead observing curiously everything in the proximity as a child who has seen something for the very first time. There is something wondrous about getting a zero or lots of zeroes at the end of a number; it infuses a sense of accomplishment as if one has succeeded in something mammoth. That’s exactly how I feel about completing my 70th day on the blog. It came as a pleasant surprise to the close quarters that I have managed to do it with perseverance, well almost. And now I could also proudly proclaim to have a hobby, something which I regretted not having earlier. Past few days I had consciousl